

Evaluation of cement adaptability by mortar expansion method
摘要 应用砂浆扩展度法,分别对同一水泥厂家不同批次的9个P·O42.5水泥样品和不同水泥厂家的7个P·O42.5水泥样品进行适应性评价试验,并用混凝土扩展度试验进行验证。结果表明,对于同一厂家的水泥样品,砂浆扩展度法评价结果与混凝土验证试验结果有较高的一致性,可以快捷准确的判定水泥适应性;对于不同厂家的水泥样品,砂浆扩展度试验结果与混凝土验证试验结果尚有较大出入,砂浆扩展度法评价体系还需进一步完善。 Using the mortar expansion method,the adaptability evaluation test was carried out on 9 P·O42.5 cement samples from different batches of the same cement manufacturer and 7 P·O42.5 cement samples from different cement manufacturers verify.The results show that,for the cement samples from the same manufacturer,the evaluation results of the mortar expansion method have a high consistency with the concrete verification test results,and the adaptability of cement can be judged quickly and accurately.For cement samples from different manufacturers,there is still a big discrepancy between the results of the mortar expansion degree test and the concrete verification test results,and the evaluation system of the mortar expansion degree method needs to be further improved.
作者 黄英姿 陈俊 熊义俊 Huang Yingzi;Chen Jun;Xiong Yijun(China Gezhouba Group Cement Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan,430070,China)
出处 《水泥工程》 CAS 2023年第1期7-10,35,共5页 Cement Engineering
关键词 水泥砂浆 适应性 评价方法 cement mortar compatibility evaluation method
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