
电商主播信息源活跃度对消费者购买意向的影响——基于Hovland说服理论的实验研究 被引量:13

The influence of e-commerce anchor information source dynamism on consumers′purchase intention:An experimental study based on Hovland′s persuasion theory
摘要 本文以Hovland说服理论为依据,通过3个实验探究了电商主播信息源活跃度通过消费者的社会临场感和心流体验对其购买意向的影响,并检验了消费者情绪易感性的调节作用。实验1结果表明:高电商主播信息源活跃度比低电商主播信息源活跃度能引发消费者更积极的购买意向,心流体验在电商主播信息源活跃度和消费者购买意向之间起中介作用。实验2结果表明:消费者的情绪易感性对其购买意向有调节作用,当情绪易感性高时,高电商主播信息源活跃度能够引发消费者更为积极的购买意向;当情绪易感性低时,电商主播信息源活跃度对购买意向的影响不显著。且消费者情绪易感性可以通过心流体验的中介有效地调节电商主播信息源活跃度与购买意向之间的关系。实验3结果表明:在消费者情绪易感性高的情况下,电商主播信息源活跃度对消费者购买意向的影响在心流体验的中介机制下进一步受到社会临场感的中介解释。本研究成果丰富了现有电商直播研究理论,是对消费者行为理论体系的扩展,对商家选取合格主播,提高直播质量,科学开展直播营销具有指导意义。 As an emerging business model,e-commerce live streaming ushered in a new development climax during the epidemic prevention period.According to the data,the overall scale of China′s e-commerce live streaming will exceed trillion in 2020,and it is expected to expand to 2 trillion in 2021.In the past 12 months,the number of businesses participating in live streaming on Taobao′s platform alone has increased by more than 220%;since 2020,90%of Tmall′s core businesses have started streaming.Therefore,e-commerce anchor has become a hot occupation.The major e-commerce platforms have launched the measures of head anchor to deal with the traffic dispute.However,the high cost of cooperation,such as commodity link fees and transaction sharing,generated by both head anchor and proxy service providers has undoubtedly greatly squeezed the profits of businesses stationed on the platform.Businesses should choose or cultivate the characteristics of their own anchor,has become a business must face the problem.So,as the anchor of information source in e-commerce live streaming,what impact does its dynamism have on consumers′purchase intention?And how did it affect it?According to the theory of persuasion proposed by Hovland,the persuader,the persuasive information,and the persuasive situation constitute the external stimulus of the persuasive object′s attitude change.The persuasive object,that is,the receiver of the information,does not passively accept the persuasive information.The formation and change of its attitude depend on its own systematic response to the process of external stimulus.Consumer attitude is the psychological tendency of consumers before they treat a certain commodity(or service)or engage in a certain consumption dynamism.The three dimensions of cognition,emotion,and behavior intention can jointly or separately affect the direction of consumption decision-making behavior.In e-commerce live streaming,the anchor,product information,and live streaming situation constitute the external stimulus of consumers′attitude change,and consumers are the object of persuasion.The behavior intention of the three components of consumers′attitude is mainly reflected in consumers′purchase intentions.Based on Hovland′s persuasion theory,this study explored the influence of anchor information source dynamism on consumers′purchase intentions through consumers′social presence and flow experience in e-commerce live streaming through three experiments;this study also tested the regulatory role of consumers′emotional susceptibility.The results of Experiment 1 show that a high-dynamism anchor can induce more active purchase intention than a low-dynamism anchor,and the flow experience plays an intermediary role between the e-commerce anchor′s information source dynamism and the purchase intention of the consumer.The results of Experiment 2 show that consumers′emotional susceptibility can regulate their purchase intentions.When emotional susceptibility is high,high anchor dynamism can lead to more positive purchase intention.When emotional susceptibility is low,the influence of anchor dynamism on purchase intention is not significant,and the consumer′s emotional susceptibility can effectively regulate the relationship between the e-commerce anchor′s information source dynamism and the consumer′s purchase intention through the intermediary of flow experience.The results of Experiment 3 show that in the case of high emotional susceptibility among consumers,the influence of an e-commerce anchor′s information source dynamism on consumers′purchase intentions is further explained by social presence under the intermediary mechanism of flow experience.The results of this study enrich the existing theory of e-commerce live streaming research,are an extension of the theoretical system of consumer behavior,and have guiding significance for businesses seeking to select qualified anchors,improve the quality of live streaming,and carry out scientific live streaming marketing.The study results enrich the existing research theory of e-commerce live streaming and expand the theoretical system of consumer behavior.First,the results verify the applicability of Hovland′s persuasion theory in the new situation of e-commerce live streaming and find the influence of e-commerce anchor information source dynamism on consumers′purchase intentions.Second,we find the path of consumers′emotion transfer on their purchase intentions.Thirdly,the moderating effect of consumer emotional susceptibility on the relationship between e-commerce anchor dynamism and consumer purchase intention is found.Fourth,we carried out an experimental study using short video as stimulus material.This study has guiding significance for businesses seeking to select qualified anchors,improve the quality of live streaming,and carry out scientific live streaming marketing.First of all,businesses should fully consider the importance of anchor information source dynamism in live streaming.Secondly,businesses should fully consider the emotional susceptibility of consumers.Thirdly,businesses should pay attention to consumers′experience.Finally,businesses should change the traditional e-commerce unmanned shelf sales and text interactive mode.In summary,this study explores the influence process of e-commerce anchor′s dynamism on consumers′purchase intentions.In addition to persuaders,persuasion information and persuasion situation are also external stimuli that affect how consumers′attitudes change.Follow-up researchers will further explore the impact of these factors on consumers′purchase intentions.
作者 刘承林 刘鲁川 孙凯 孙怡璐 LIU Chenglin;LIU Luchuan;SUN Kai;SUN Yilu(School of Management Science and Engineering,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,China;Dongfang College,ShanDong University of Finance and Economics,Taian 271000,China)
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期60-70,共11页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71774101) 山东省社科规划研究项目(21CPYJ23) 山东财经大学研究生创新项目(Y20201154)。
关键词 Hovland说服理论 电商主播信息源活跃度 购买意向 社会临场感 心流体验 Hovland′s persuasion theory E-commerce anchor′s information source dynamism Purchase intention Social presence Flow experience
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