

Experience of District Heating in Denmark and Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 丹麦建立了高度发达的区域供热体系,2020年该国区域供热量占全社会终端能源消费量的18.6%,区域供热占比位居全球前列。丹麦通过制定一系列的政策法规助推区域供热快速发展,并推动可再生能源成为主力供热来源。丹麦区域供热热源种类呈现多样化、绿色化特点,生物质燃料是区域供热最主要的燃料,2020年固体生物质燃料和城市废弃物焚烧占到区域供热总量的71.8%。热电联产仍是区域供热的主要生产方式,供热量占比约2/3。与此同时,太阳能区域供热规模不断扩大。丹麦区域供热网络一般由长输干管加多个局域输配管网组成,目前已经发展到了第四代。丹麦供热市场体系秩序井然,拥有三级分销、产销一体等市场模式。区域供热热源及管网公司定位于自然垄断企业,受到严格的法律监管。目前我国集中供热还存在一些问题,如热源单一、管理机制不健全、缺少顶层规划以及存在技术障碍、体制障碍等。为了发展完善我国集中供热体系,借鉴丹麦的经验,要注重多能互补绿色高效,建立政府监管和市场导向为主并重的供热管理体系,加强顶层立法和规划,建立完备的要素保障体系。 Denmark has established a highly developed district heating system.In 2020,the country′s district heating supply accounted for 18.6% of the final energy consumption of the whole society,ranking among the highest in the world.Denmark has developed a series of policies and regulations to promote the rapid devel-opment of district heating and promote renewable energy to become the main source of heating.The types of heat sources for district heating in Denmark are diversified and green.Biomass fuel is the most important fuel for district heating.In 2020,solid biomass fuel and municipal waste incineration accounted for 71.8% of the total amount of district heating.Cogeneration is still the main production mode of district heating,accounting for about 2/3 of the heat supply.At the same time,the scale of solar district heating is expanding.The district heating network in Denmark is generally composed of long distance mains and a number of local trans-mission and distribution networks,which has been developed into the fourth generation.Denmark has an orderly heating market system with three levels of distribution and integrated production and marketing.District heat sources and pipe network companies are located in natural monopoly enterprises,subject to strict legal supervision.At present,there are still some problems in China ′s central heating,such as single heat source,imperfect management mechanism,lack of top-level planning and technical and institutional barriers.In order to develop and improve China′ s central heating system and draw lessons from the experience of Denmark,it is necessary to pay attention to multi-energy complementary,green and high-efficiency heating,establish a heating management system with equal emphasis on government regulation and market orientation,strengthen top-level legislation and planning,and establish a complete element guarantee system.
作者 白尊亮 Bai Zunliang(Shanghai Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Center Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200003)
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2023年第1期14-18,共5页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 区域供热 集中供热 生物质 热电联产 法律监管 顶层规划 district heating central heating biomass cogeneration of heat and power legal supervision top-level planning
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