2023年,德国建筑博物馆(Deutsches Architekturmuseum)将年度DAM建筑奖颁发给了慕尼黑的奥尔与韦伯建筑事务所(Auer Weber Assoziierte GmbH)设计的施塔恩贝格地方法庭扩建项目(Erweiterung Landratsamt Starnberg)。施塔恩贝格(Starnberg)位于拜仁州,距慕尼黑30公里左右。1982年,奥尔与韦伯建筑事务所的建筑草图确定了施塔恩贝格地方法庭的基本轮廓。1985年到1987年,奥尔与韦伯建筑事务所以木材、钢铁和混凝土为混合原料、采取模块化施工方法,建成了地方法庭。因为“让人难忘的轻质外墙立面”和“聪明的平面布局”.
The classic character created by Mei Lanfang is the representative of excellent Chinese traditional drama. Construction of digital virtual image of Mei Lanfang in Augmented Reality media is conducive to the dissemination and inheritance of theatre arts in digital media. Extracted and optimized Mei Lanfang’s classic image from the historical materials to carry on the fusion in real-virtual scene design. The rendering engine Unity3D was adopted to realize the human-machine interaction in Augmented Reality system. A semi-encirclement type space is implemented to manipulation of user cognitive resources that match the reality integrational exhibition, effectively turn Chinese traditional drama creative and innovative development. This work expanded the boundary of traditional Chinese theatre arts, and realize the inheritance and dissemination of Chinese excellent traditional culture.
Somer Zhang;无(不详;Deutsches Architekturmuseum)
Art and Design