

Research on Xining Ambans’Role in Managing Prefectures and Counties in the Qing Dynasty:Case Study Focusing on Manchu Archives
摘要 清代在行省与藩部之间的农牧交错地带通常设置省府厅县与驻办大臣分管汉、满、蒙古、藏等民族,这两套行政体制又往往随着区域族群局势变动而相互嵌套。西宁办事大臣兼管府厅州县即是清廷因应甘青地区“蒙番”杂糅局势的制度创设,其行政权力径由办理“番案”的方式逐步从循化、贵德“生熟番”族扩展到两厅文武官员并最终实现对西宁府厅州县的兼管,成为清代行省与藩部两套行政权力交叉重叠的特殊事例。乾隆五十六年(1791),循化盗贼经贵德至和硕特南左中旗劫杀札萨克台吉沙喇布提理,鉴于陕甘总督距循、贵番地甚远且贵德仅由西宁县丞分驻,清廷一方面分派西宁抚番同知驻扎贵德,此即贵德抚番厅;另一方面以西宁办事大臣就近兼管循、贵“生熟番”族。但办事大臣衙役有限,循、贵官员遇事不听差遣且多掣肘,清廷于乾隆五十九年令两厅文武官员由办事大臣兼管。嘉庆年间“蒙番”纠纷愈演愈烈,西宁办事大臣的兼管权从循、贵两厅扩展至西宁府厅州县系统,地方督抚与驻办大臣两套行政权力兼容共治,其中西宁府厅州县仍隶属甘肃行省,管辖汉番钱粮刑名案件,“蒙番”案件径由西宁办事大臣全权办理。应充分利用满文档案将清代边疆政区地理研究落实于边地社会的演进脉络及其行政运作过程。 During the Qing Dynasty,in the interweaving area of farming and pastoral areas among inland provinces and the Fanbu regions,there were usually provincial official and county level official positions and Ambans being set up to take charge of respective ethnic groups of the Han,Manchu,Mongolian and Tibetan.These two administrative systems are often overlapped and interconnected with each other along with the regional ethnic situation changes.Ambans in Xining also played their managing role in charge of prefectures and counties were set up in response to the mixed situation of“Mengfan”in Gansu and Qinghai areas.Its administrative power has gradually expanded from dealing with“Fan cases”“Shengshu Fan”in Xunhua and Guide to the ivil and military officials in the two official levels to finally realize the management of Xining prefectures and counties.This became the special case for two administrative powers’overlapping and interplay of the province and Fanbu in the Qing Dynasty.In the fifty-sixth year of Qianlong’s reign,the Fanzu of Xunhua,who passed through Guide to Zuozhong Banner in southern Heshuote,robbed and killed Zasaktaiji Sarabthili.Due to the fact that the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu being far away from the Fan region in Xunhua and Guide,beside the official position in Guide being stationed by the magistrate of Xining County,the Qing court thus on the one hand,assigned Xining Fufan Tongzhi to station in Guide,i.e.Fufan office in Guide;on the other hand,assigned Ambans in Xining to take charge of the“Sheng Shu Fan”in Xuhua and Guide.However,the employees in yamen of the Amban officials was limited,and the officials in Xunhua and Guide were unwilling to be obedient to the order.In the 59th year during Emperor Qianlong’s reign,the Qing court ordered the civil and military officials of the two departments to be under the management of the Ambans.During the reign of Emperor Jiaqing,the dispute of“Meng Fan”became increasingly intensified,and the power of Xining Ambans was expanded from Xunhua and Guide offices to the prefecture and county system of Xining.The two sets of administrative power system of local governor and the Amban were compatible and made joint governance,among which Xining prefecture and county remaining under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province,taking in charge of money and grain issues and criminal cases.The“Mengfan”case is fully handled by Ambans in Xining.We should make full use of Manchu archives to implement the geography research of frontier areas during the Qing Dynasty in the evolution and administrative operation process of border society.
作者 许若冰 XU Ruo-bing(School of History and Culture,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610064)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期89-99,共11页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金“铸牢中华民族共同体意识”重大研究专项“铸牢中华民族共同体意识背景下历代中央对藏族僧俗首领册封大型文献资料整理及治藏方略研究”(项目编号:21VMZ007)的阶段性成果。
关键词 清代 西宁办事大臣 青海蒙古 府厅州县 Qing Dynasty Xining Amban Qinghai Mongolia prefecture and county offices
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