

Similarities and Differences in Language Attitudes between Mandarin and Chinese Speakers——A Case Study of Mandarin in Malaysia
摘要 文章采用问卷调查和语装配对实验的方法,调查中国留学生与马来西亚大学生对马来西亚华语的态度,分析其共性与差异。问卷调查从已有文献中提取了七类马来西亚华语语法结构,分别调查了193位中国留学生与281位马来西亚华裔大学生。语装配对实验则针对马来西亚通俗华语与马来西亚标准华语,分别调查了183位中国留学生与272位马来西亚华裔大学生。调查结果显示:两组调查对象对七类语法结构的态度同中有异;居留时间是影响中国留学生对马来西亚华语态度的重要因素;两组调查对象对马来西亚标准华语的评分均高于马来西亚通俗华语。研究结果表明:马来西亚华语的标准变体是中马两国大学生普遍接受的变体;而通俗华语比标准华语更具情感价值。文章进一步讨论了地域、性别、居留时间三项社会因素对语言态度的影响,并从方法论的角度分析了问卷调查与语装配对实验在语言态度研究中的作用。普通话与华语说话人对马来西亚华语的语言态度的共性与差异有助于预测普通话与华语的融合,为全球华语跨区研究提供实证基础。 This paper investigates the attitudes of Chinese students and Malaysian college students towards Malaysian Mandarin by means of the questionnaire survey and the the matched-guise technique, and analyzes its similarities and differences. For the questionnaire survey, seven categories of grammatical structures in Malaysian Mandarin are examined which targets 281 Chinese Malaysians and 193 Chinese students. For the matched-guise technique, two varieties of Mandarin--Malaysian colloquial Mandarin and Malaysian standard Mandarin--are investigated, with subjects being composed of 272 Chinese Malaysians and 183 Chinese students.As showed in the results, the two groups had different attitudes towards the seven types of grammatical structures, and the length of residence is an important factor affecting Chinese students’ attitude towards Malaysian Mandarin, while both groups rated Malaysian standard Chinese higher than Malaysian colloquial Chinese. Moreover, the standard variety of Malaysian Mandarin is generally accepted by college students in China and Malaysia, while colloquial variety is attached with more affective value than the standard variety. Furthermore, the impact of three social factors--regions, gender and the length of residence--on language attitudes are discussed and the role of the questionnaire survey and the the language assembly pair experiment on the study of language attitudes analyzed. The similarities and differences in attitudes towards Malaysian Mandarin between Mandarin and Chinese speakers help to predict the integration of Mandarin and Chinese, and provide an empirical basis for cross-regional studies on Chinese in the world.
作者 王晓梅 朱菀瑩 张欣怡 WANG Xiao-mei;CHOO Wan-Yein;TEOH Shin-yee(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Malaysia Branch of Xiamen University,Sepang,Malaysia)
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期130-140,共11页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 厦门大学马来西亚分校研究基金(XMUMRF/2018-C1/IART/0001) 国家社会科学后期资助项目“全球华语视角下的马来西亚华语研究”(21FYYB009) 国家社会科学重大项目“境外华语资源库建设及应用研究”(19ZDA311)。
关键词 全球华语 语言态度 马来西亚华语 语装配对实验 global Chinese language attitudes Malaysian Mandarin the matched-guise technique
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