

Land Problems of the Bunong People in Cambodia: Change of Rights and Remodeling of Ideas--From the Perspective of Village P, S Community, Mondokiri Province
摘要 近年来,柬埔寨为了进行高效的土地开发和管理,实施土地租赁制度和森林资源开发许可制度。经济特许地制度的实施,对包括文化和身份以自我生存和土地所有权为核心的布农人在内的原住民群体产生了显著影响。随着原住民群体的生计转型,他们的生计脆弱性在增加,原住民聚集社区内部也出现了收入不平等、土地集中和社会分化等现象,加上政策不连贯导致原住民的土地纠纷问题愈发凸显。通过对柬埔寨蒙多基里省森莫诺隆市乔西玛区S社区P村布农人的线上线下调查和已有文献的分析,对布农人的土地使用方式和享有的土地权益变化进行梳理,可以了解因土地开发导致的布农人生计转型和文化变迁,解析原住民群体在土地开发中的现状及社会文化变迁中面临的张力,揭示柬埔寨布农人土地纠纷的根源问题:即布农人传统土地观念与实际享有土地权利间出现了难以逾越的鸿沟。在柬埔寨统一多民族国家建构和多元文化的时代背景下,政府、经济特许地开发者、原住民群体均需要反思当前土地开发模式中的角色与定位。 In recent years, for efficient land development and management, Cambodia has implemented a land lease system and a forest resource development permit system. The implementation of the economic concession system has had a significant impact on indigenous groups, including the Bunong, whose culture and identity are centered on selfsurvival and land ownership. The livelihood of indigenous groups has been transformed, the livelihood vulnerability has increased, and income inequality, land concentration and social differentiation have also occurred within indigenous communities. Land disputes among indigenous people have become more prominent due to policy incoherence.Based on the online and offline survey of Bunong people in P Village, S Community, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia, and the analysis of existing literature, this paper combs the land use mode and land rights and interests of Bunong people in P village, trying to show the livelihood transformation and cultural change of Bunong people caused by land development. To analyze the current situation of indigenous groups in land development and the tension faced by the social and cultural changes, This paper reveals the root cause of land disputes among Bunong people in Cambodia: namely, there is an insurmountable gap between Bunong people’s traditional concept of land and their actual enjoyment of land rights.
作者 王闪闪 高志英 WANG Shanshan;GAO Zhiying
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2023年第1期139-151,158,共14页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 柬埔寨 布农人 土地权益 变迁 重塑 Cambodia Bunong People Land Rights Change Restore
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