
中国城市工业用地空间错配对工业全要素生产率的影响 被引量:6

The impact of spatial misallocation of urban industrial land on industrial TFP in China
摘要 众所周知,资源的空间错配会带来全要素生产率的降低,但二者之间的影响路径却鲜有研究深入探讨。因此,为探讨中国城市工业用地空间错配对工业全要素生产率影响的“黑箱”,本文基于2003—2019年278个地级及以上城市面板数据,构建“工业用地空间错配—工业产业集聚—工业全要素生产率”理论分析框架,采用纳入中介效应的GMM动态面板计量经济模型,从全国、区域以及错配类型3个维度,分析工业用地空间错配如何通过工业产业集聚影响工业全要素生产率。研究表明:(1)样本考察期内中国城市工业用地空间错配总体呈加剧趋势,东部城市大多呈短缺型错配,中西部城市大多呈过度型错配。(2)全国层面,工业用地空间错配不仅直接对工业全要素生产率产生负向影响,而且通过降低工业产业集聚度,间接降低工业全要素生产率。(3)区域层面,工业用地空间错配的加剧抑制了东部地区工业全要素生产率的提升。但是,由于工业用地短缺促进了工业产业合理集聚一定程度上缓解了这种抑制效应。中西部地区工业用地空间错配的加剧导致工业产业集聚度的降低,二者同时对工业全要素生产率产生负向影响。(4)不同错配类型下,过度型错配地区与中西部地区结果一致。短缺型错配地区与东部地区结果稍有差异,其错配的恶化导致工业产业过度集聚,降低了工业全要素生产率。本文主要政策启示为:应立足不同地区工业经济发展阶段,合理配置工业用地,促进工业产业适度集聚,激发用地效率。 The spatial misallocation of resources will lead to the reduction of total factor productivity(TFP), but there are few in-depth studies on the influence path. Based on the panel data of 278 cities in China from 2003 to 2019, this study explored the“black box”of the urban industrial land spatial misallocation impact on the TFP of industries. By constructing the theoretical framework of industrial land spatial misallocation-industrial agglomeration-industrial TFP, this study examined how spatial misallocation of industrial land affects its utilization efficiency through industrial agglomeration and dispersion from three dimensions of national, inter-regional, and misallocation type. The generalized method of moments(GMM) dynamic panel econometric model incorporating the mediation effect was employed for the analysis. The results show that:(1)Urban industrial land spatial misallocation in China generally presents a worsening trend. Most of the eastern cities showed a shortage-type misallocation, and most of the central and western cities showed an excessive-type misallocation.(2) At the national level, the spatial misallocation of industrial land not only directly and negatively affected industrial TFP, but also indirectly reduced the TFP of industries by reducing the degree of industrial agglomeration.(3) At the regional level,the worsening of the spatial misallocation of industrial land in the eastern region inhibited the improvement of industrial TFP. However, due to the shortage of industrial land, a certain degree of industrial agglomeration has alleviated this inhibitory effect;The worsening of the spatial misallocation of industrial land in the central and western regions led to the dispersion of industrial allocation, and both have a negative impact on the industrial TFP.(4) For the different misallocation types, excessive misallocation is consistent with the regression results in the central and western regions. Shortage misallocation is slightly different from the regression results in the eastern region. The worsening of the misallocation not only directly and negatively affected the industrial TFP, but also reduced its efficiency through the excessive agglomeration of industries.The main conclusions are that based on the different stages of industrial economic development in different regions, rational allocation of industrial land should be made to promote appropriate agglomeration of industries and stimulate land use efficiency.
作者 冯雨豪 王健 邵子南 杨莉莉 朱乾隆 吴群 FENG Yuhao;WANG Jian;SHAO Zinan;YANG Lili;ZHU Qianlong;WU Qun(China Resources&Environment and Development Academy,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;College of Public Administration,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;School of Finance and Public Administration,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期2511-2524,共14页 Resources Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42071247) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71904087) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(22YJC630132) 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(BK20221026)。
关键词 城市工业用地 空间错配 产业集聚 工业全要素生产率 时空特征 GMM模型 中介效应 urban industrial land spatial misallocation industrial agglomeration industrial TFP spatiotemporal characteristics GMM model mediation effect
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