

The 50BiN Telescope of CWNU and Open Clusters Studies
摘要 随着我国经济与科技水平的腾飞,天文和空间科学成为了基础领域发展的重要方向。西华师范大学根据自身的需求和已经具备的基础,一直着力于发展有观测支撑的天文学科。通过与国内科研机构和高校开展合作的方式培养研究生,并引进人才发展本校相关学科,为本校涉足天文学研究奠定了基础。2010年,学校批复了当时物理学科的建设方案,利用国际恒星观测网络组(SONG)项目筹建中国节点的契机,决定与中国科学院国家天文台合作,建设西华师范大学观测设施,即50厘米双筒望远镜(50Bi N),作为中国SONG项目星震学研究的测光子系统。项目初期在紫金山天文台青海观测站建成投运,其间设备运行稳定。但德令哈的观测条件因城市的发展限制了系统的科学能力。在青海冷湖台址勘定完成后,项目随SONG的观测设施一起,于2020年迁往新址,50Bi N完成了冷湖天文观测基地的首光观测,验证了台址优秀的视宁度测量结果。本文将对该设备的科学目标和发展历程,及取得的科学成果进行一个全面的回顾,为其他高等院校发展基于观测设施的天文学科提供参考。 With the development of economy,science and technology,astronomy and space science have become important directions in the development of basic fields in China.The 50BiN facility belongs to ChinaWest Normal University(CWNU).The Department of Astronomy was founded in 2016,being the 7th department for undergraduate program of astronomy in China.Within a decade from that time,CWNU pursued the establishment of a research center and observing facilities in the field of astronomy.By cooperation with the leading research institutions and universities in China,CWNU managed to run post-graduate studies in astronomy within the existing physics programs,which helped to eventually start astronomy at university.One of the milestones is to connect university’s research to international community through the Stellar Observations Network Group(SONG)project in 2010.As the principal facility of the astronomy program,the 50cm Binocular Network(50BiN)prototype started at that time.Such an investment enabled us to join the national and international community and boosted research activities at the department.This facility started to be operational in 2013 and has been very productive ever since.The main scientific program of 50BiN is large field photometric survey of the Galactic open clusters in time-domain.Target of opportunity tasks,such as supernovae or gamma ray burst targets,can also be done as requested by colleagues from all over the country.After running for nearly 5 years in the radio station at Delingha,it was moved to Lenghu site in 2020.This paper serves as a review of the facility and its scientific output.We hope to provide some reference to other universities or institutes which might have the motivation to develop astronomical research and education.
作者 兰甜 闫正洲 王坤 张春光 陈孝钿 任安炳 刘念 罗杨平 罗志全 田健峰 赵勇 卢晓猛 刘其利 杨帆 何飞 邓李才 Lan Tian;Yan Zhengzhou;Wang Kun;Zhang Chunguang;Chen Xiaodian;Ren Anbing;Liu Nian;Luo Yangping;Luo Zhiquan;Tian Jianfeng;Zhao Yong;Lu Xiaomeng;Liu Qili;Yang Fan;He Fei;Deng Licai(Department of Astronomy,the College of Science,Xizang University,Lhasa 850000,China;The School of Physics and Astronomy,China-West Normal University,Nanchong 637002,China;The School of Astronomy and Space Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100408,China;National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China;Haixi-Haotian Astro-instrumentation Company,Ltd.,Delingha 817000,China)
出处 《青海科技》 2023年第1期19-25,共7页 Qinghai Science and Technology
基金 青海省重大科技专项“天文大科学装置冷湖台址监测与先导科学研究”(2019-ZJ-A10) 国家自然科学基金项目12233009、12273064、42222408。
关键词 冷湖天文观测基地 望远镜项目 西华师范大学望远镜50BiN Lenghu astronomical observing site Observational facility for small group 50BiN telescope
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