
病证结合辨治病理性近视黄斑病变的诊疗思路 被引量:1

Diagnosis and treatment of maculopathy caused by pathological myopia based on the combination of disease identification and syndrome differentitation
摘要 随着教育压力、近距离工作和电子视频终端设备使用的增加,我国儿童、青少年近视患病率持续增长,随之而来的病理性近视发生率也不断上升。与单纯性近视不同,病理性近视眼轴不断增长,终身进展,主要表现为后巩膜葡萄肿以及多种眼底改变,尤其是黄斑区病变严重损伤视功能,已成为我国重要的致盲性眼病,造成了严重的社会和经济负担。中医药在防治病理性近视眼底并发症方面具有独特优势,基于最新的近视性黄斑病变ATN分类系统,在中医整体观念指导下,对亢泽峰教授病证结合辨治病理性近视黄斑病变的诊疗思路进行了总结,认为该病主要从肝、脾、肾论治,其病程较长,病机呈现一定的规律发展,早期肝肾亏虚,气血生化乏源,目络空虚失荣,久病脾虚湿浊内生,成痰或瘀,痰湿“邪阻”于目络,血不养脉,络道亢进,久生“败络”,络损血溢,出现视力损伤,契合近视性黄斑病变的现代医学认识,能够更好地指导临床。 With the pressure of education,close work and the increase in the use of electronic video terminal equipment,the prevalence of myopia in children and adolescents in China has a continuous growth,and the incidence of pathological myopia has also increased.Unlike simple myopia,the axial length of pathological myopia has been growing continuously with a life-long progress.It is mainly manifested by posterior scleral staphyloma and a variety of fundus changes,especially macular disorders that seriously damage the visual function,and has become ann important blinding eye disease in China,causing a serious social and economic burden.Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)has unique advantages in the prevention and treatment of fundus complications of pathological myopia.Based on the latest ATN classification system of myopic maculopathy,under the guidance of the holistic concept of TCM,this paper summarized Professor KANG Zefeng's diagnosis and treatment ideas of combining disease identification and syndrome differentiation in the treatment of pathological myopic macular diseases.It is believed that the disease is mainly treated from liver,spleen and kidney,with a long course of disease and a regular development pattern of its pathogenesis.The early state is charactierized by liver and kidney deficiency,lack of source of generating Qi and blood,loss of supply in eyes and collaterals,while endogenous spleen deficiency and dampness occur with prolonged disease,causing phlegm or blood stasis.When phlegm-dampness obstructs the ocular meridians evilly,blood can not be nourished by the veins,collaterals become hyperactive,causing injured collaterals and overflowing of blood,which can lead to visual impairment.This understanding is consistent with modern medical understanding on maculopathy caused by myopia,and can better guide clinic practice.
作者 曹珂儿 亢泽峰 孙宏睿 张明明 周雅琪 侯昕玥 CAO Ke´er;KANG Ze-feng;SUN Hongrui;ZHANG Mingming;ZHOU Yaqi;HOU Xinyue(Eye Hospital,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100400,China)
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2023年第3期238-242,共5页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
基金 首都卫生发展科研专项重点攻关项目(2022-1-4181) 国家中医药管理局中医药古籍文献和特色技术传承专项(GZY-KJS-2020-081) 中医药传承与创新“百千万”人才工程(岐黄工程)岐黄学者。
关键词 病理性近视 黄斑病变 中西医结合 病证结合 pathological myopia maculopathy integration of TCM and Western Medicine combination of disease and syndrome
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