

A Biographical Commentary On Zhu Daqi
摘要 朱大启于万历三十八年(1610)中进士,谒选除江西南昌府推官;万历四十六年(1618),补吏部验封清吏司主事;天启五年(1625),升吏部考功司员外郎,调文选司,六月升吏部验封清吏司郎中,十一月调文选清吏司郎中。崇祯登基,朱大启升翰林院提督四夷馆太常寺少卿,奉命祭告河南中岳诸神及宋太祖、太宗、真宗、仁宗四陵;崇祯元年(1628)九月,升太仆寺卿,摄添注少卿事;崇祯六年(1633),升大理寺卿;七年(1634),升刑部右侍郎;八年(1635),转刑部左侍郎。朱大启在任清正无私,敢于多次拒绝阉党顾秉谦、冯铨等人的请托。他在南昌府推官任上与汤显祖有书信往来,曾为胡震亨《李杜诗通》作序。 In the 38 th year of Wanli(1610)in the Ming dynasty,Zhu Daqi succeeded to be a jinshi(namely Presented Scholar)and was elected as the tuiguan(an imperial official)of Nanchang Prefecture,Jiangxi Province.In the 46 th year of Wanli(1618),he was selected to be an official of yanfengqinglisi,an agency subordinate to the Ministry of Personnel.In the fifth year of Tianqi(1625),he was promoted to be the director of kaogongsi,a bureau subordinated to the Ministry of Personnel and responsible for officials’performance appraisal,and soon he was transferred to wenxuansi,another bureau subordinate to the Ministry of Personnel and in charge of selecting civil servants.In June,he was promoted to be the chief official of yanfengqinglisi,and in November,he was transferred to be the chief official of wenxuanqinglisi,a bureau subordinated to the Ministry of Personnel and in charge of the rank,promotion and transfer of officials.When Chongzhen ascended the throne,Zhu Daqi was promoted to manage the siyiguan on behalf of the Imperial Academy and to be an adjutant of Taichangsi,and was ordered to offer sacrifices to the gods of Zhongyue and the four past emperors,Taizu,Taizong,Zhenzong and Renzong,in Henan Province.In September of the first year of Chongzhen(1628),he was promoted to be the chief official of taipusi to take charge of tianzhushaoqing.In the sixth year of Chongzhen(1633),he was promoted to be the chief official of dalisi,the Court of Judicature and Revision.In the seventh year of Chongzhen(1634),he was promoted to be youshilang of the Ministry of Justice,and zuoshilang the next year.Zhu Daqi was upright and selfless in office and dared to reject the requests from the eunuch faction's members such as Gu Bingqian,Feng Quan and others many times.He corresponded with Tang Xianzu when he was an official in Nanchang Prefecture,and wrote a preface to Hu Zhenheng's Li Du Shitong.
作者 王利民 Wang Limin(College of Chinese Literature,Gannan Normal Universit,Ganzhou,Jiangxi 341000)
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2023年第2期5-13,共9页 Journal of Jiaxing University
基金 国家社科基金项目(12BZW057)。
关键词 朱大启 朱国祚 朱彝尊 生平 Zhu Daqi Zhu Guozuo Zhu Yizun life
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