After the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, developed countries that were seriously affected by the financial crisis adopted unconventional monetary policies in order to help their economies get out of recession. This paper conducts an empirical analysis of the implementation effect of the aggregate-adjusted unconventional monetary policy adopted by major developed countries from 2008 to2019.The ARDL-ECM model is used to study the macroeconomic impact of aggregate adjustments in Japan, the Euro area, the United States, and the United Kingdom before and after the global financial crisis. The research finds that: the short-term impact of policy interest rates on economic growth weakens after the financial crisis;In the period of low interest rates after the financial crisis, there is not enough evidence to show that ultra-low interest rates have a significant impact on economic growth and inflation;The effect of quantitative easing monetary policy on economic growth in the sample regions is not the same during the period of low interest rates: the quantitative easing monetary policy in the United States and the Euro area has a significant impact on inflation after the financial crisis. Based on the research conclusions, it is necessary to pay close attention to the spillover effects of unconventional monetary policy operations in developed countries, and continuously enrich China’s basket of monetary policy tools.
Price:Theory & Practice
unconventional monetary policy
ultra-low interest rate
quantitative easing
economic growth