第二届北非(摩洛哥)矿山机械,建筑工程机械及车辆设备展(S1MC 2014)将于2014年12月3-6日在卡萨布兰卡举行。S1MC 2014由摩洛哥当地energy and mines杂志传媒集团左办,影响力和媒体推广力度远远大于其他相似的展会,也是摩洛哥地区唯一一个得到摩洛哥能源部和工程部等政府部门大力支持的展会。
The 3rd Internati onal Con fere nee and Exhibition on Mining and Quarries will be held from 3rd to 6th December,2014,in Casablanca of Morocco.The event was organized by the magazine"Energy and Mines"and the company RPI,benefits from the support of the Moroccan Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Public Works.