

Researth on Deflection Calculation Method of Bidirectional Composite Slab with Steel Fiber Recycled Concrete Prefabricated Plate
摘要 为推动再生类混凝土在结构工程尤其是工业化建造中的应用,提出一种预制层为钢纤维再生混凝土、现浇层为普通混凝土的双向受力叠合板(半再生-半普通混凝土叠合板),针对其正交异性构造特性,基于弹性薄板理论,建立了其弹性阶段挠度计算公式;综合考虑扭矩及荷载分布规律对双向板受弯性能的影响规律,给出了考虑精准弯矩作用下的弹塑性阶段挠度计算方法;在此基础上,通过理论计算与试验结果的对比分析表明,所提出的弹性及弹塑性阶段挠度计算方法具有实用和有效性。 In order to promote the application of recycled concrete in structural engineering, especially in industrial construction, a kind of steel fiber reinforced recycled concrete with prefabricated layer and cast-in-situ layer as bidirectional composite slab(semi-recycled-semi-ordinary concrete composite slab) was proposed. Based on the theory of elastic thin slab, a formula for calculating the deflection of elastic stage was established according to its orthotropic structural characteristics. The calculation method of elastic-plastic stage deflection considering precise bending moment was given. On this basis, the comparison between theoretical calculation and experimental results showed that the elastic and elastic-plastic stage deflection calculation presented in the paper was practical and effective.
作者 罗斌 LUO Bin(Civil Engineering Institute,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)
出处 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期157-161,138,共6页 Industrial Construction
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52168022)。
关键词 叠合板 桁架钢筋 绿色混凝土 正交异性 板壳理论 composite slab steel bar truss green concrete orthotropy theory of plates and shells
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