

Design and Application of Big Data Platform for Welfare Lottery Sales
摘要 随着中国福利彩票发行管理中心对数据管控和业务监管的要求不断提高,对销售数据实时性、准确性也提出更高要求。通过建设福利彩票销售大数据平台,实现全国范围内彩票销售数据的实时归集,为彩票的发行销售业务提供数据支撑与决策依据。目前每天约有数千万条彩票销售数据实时传报归集,并通过大数据平台实现对彩票业务的监管。 With the increasing requirements of China Welfare Lottery Center for data control and business supervision, it also posed higher requirements for the real-time and accuracy of sales data. Through the construction of welfare lottery sales big data platform, the real-time collection of national lottery sales data is realized, which provides data support and decision-making basis for lottery issuance and sales business. At present, about ten million national lottery sales data are collected and reported in real time every day, and the lottery business is regulated through the big data platform.
作者 樊东霞 FAN Dongxia
出处 《科技创新与应用》 2023年第8期33-36,共4页 Technology Innovation and Application
关键词 彩票 大数据 系统设计 数据分析 引擎 lottery big data system design data analysis engine
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