生产环节外包已成为中国农业无法逆转的发展趋势,研判生产环节外包与农业环境技术效率的关系对于保障中国粮食安全、促进农业高质量发展具有重要意义。将农业面源污染与农业碳排放纳入非期望产出的核算框架,运用SBM-Undesirable模型和中国粮食主产区1 208户农户的实地调研数据测算农业环境技术效率,并剖析生产环节外包对农业环境技术效率的非线性影响及机理。研究结果表明:(1)中国粮食主产区的农业环境技术效率均值略高于“及格线”水平,不同地区与不同作物的农业环境技术效率存在差异。(2)总体来看,生产环节外包与农业环境技术效率之间存在稳健的“U”型关系;分区域、分作物的研究结果也大多肯定了“U”型关系的成立,但对于湖南地区和小麦生产而言,上述“U”型关系并不明显,且聚焦玉米生产,生产环节外包与农业环境技术效率之间仅表现出显著的负向线性关系。目前,农业生产环节外包在一定程度上呈现出违背农业绿色发展的现象,相关政府部门仍需加强对提高农业环境技术效率的重视,并助推中国粮食生产跨越生产环节外包引发的农业环境技术效率低谷。
Outsourcing is an irreversible trend in agriculture, and it is important to study the relationship between outsourcing and agricultural environmental technical efficiency, which will help to ensure food security and to promote high-quality agricultural development in China.Agricultural nonpoint source pollution and agricultural carbon emissions were simultaneously included in the accounting framework for non-desired outputs, and the SBM-Undesirable model and field research data from 1 208 households in major food producing regions of China were used to measure agricultural environmental technical efficiency and to analyze the nonlinear effects and mechanisms of outsourcing on agricultural environmental technical efficiency.The results show that:(1)The average value of agricultural environmental technical efficiency in the main food producing regions of China was only slightly above the “passing line” level, and there were differences between regions and crops.(2)In general, there was a stable U-shaped relationship between outsourcing and agricultural environmental technical efficiency.The results of sub-regions and sub-crops also basically affirmed the U-shaped relationship, but for the Hunan region and wheat production, the U-shaped relationship was not obvious, and the focus was on corn, only a significant negative linear relationship was shown between outsourcing and agricultural environmental technical efficiency.This showed a phenomenon that the outsourcing goes against the agriculture green development to a certain extent.At present, relevant government departments still need to pay more attention to improving the agricultural environmental technical efficiency and promoting China’s food production leaps over the agricultural environmental technical efficiency caused by outsourcing.
CHANG Qian;CAI Yu;ZHAO Minjuan(College of Management,Sichuan Agricultural University,Chengdu 611130;College of Economics&Management,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China)
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)