
广东省自然保护区野生观赏草开发应用评价 被引量:2

Evaluation on development and application of wild ornamental grasses in nature reserves of Guangdong Province
摘要 为了丰富广东省园林草本植物的多样性和突出华南地区亚热带城市园林特色,解决目前观赏草绿化种类少、应用形式单一等问题,本研究通过对广东省14个自然保护区的280种野生观赏草进行筛选,得到149种观赏性较高的本土野生观赏草,并采用灰色关联度分析法对149种本土野生观赏草进行综合评价,旨在筛选出适宜于广东省的优良园林造景材料。结果表明:1)野生观赏草适应性广,原生境以林缘湿地及山谷溪边为主,占总数的54.36%,山坡草地和疏林灌木的物种占41.61%。2)抗性较强,以耐水湿为主,占65.10%,耐干旱的物种占27.52%,7.38%耐盐碱。3)观赏性高,有53种野生观赏草花序和植株观赏性得分≥2。4)有22种与理想种的加权关联度≥0.70,有较高的观赏性、适应性和开发应用潜力。5)筛选出5种与理想种的加权关联度≥0.80,综合价值高的野生观赏草,包括甜根子草(Saccharum spontaneum)、金色狗尾草(Setaria pumila)、射干(Belamcanda chinensis)、小花鸢尾(Iris speculatrix)、芒(Miscanthus sinensis),可直接应用于园林造景。 The aim of the study is to enrich the diversity of garden herbs in Guangdong Province, and to highlight the garden characteristics of subtropical urban in South China. Doing so is in order to solve the current problems of few ornamental grasses and single application forms. In this study, 149 native wild ornamental grasses with high ornamental value were obtained from 280 ornamental grasses which were screened from 14 nature reserves in Guangdong Province. The method of grey correlative analysis was utilized to evaluate comprehensively the 149 native wild ornamental grasses, to select excellent landscaping materials which were suitable for Guangdong Province. The results showed as follows: 1) wild ornamental grasses were widespread adapted in forest-edge-wetland and river in the valley, where they accounted for 54.36% of the total.They accounted for 41.61% in hillside grassland and prairie shrub land. 2) They were more resistant, water resistance species accounted for 65.10%, drought resistance species accounted for 27.52%, salinity resistance species accounted for 7.38%.3) Wild ornamental grasses have strong ornamental characteristics. The evaluation scores of 53 wild ornamental grasses inflorescence and plant ornamental value were more than 2. 4) The comprehensive evaluation results showed that the degree of correlation with ideal species, in 22 of the 149 wild ornamental grasses, was higher than 0.7, which had higher ornamental value, adaptability and application potential. 5) 5 species showed a degree of correlation with ideal species higher than 0.8,including Saccharum spontaneum, Setaria pumila, Belamcanda chinensis, Iris speculatrix, Miscanthus sinensis, which could be directly used in landscape design.
作者 李祖婵 庄长伟 玄锦 黄柳菁 LI Zuchan;ZHUANG Changwei;XUAN Jin;HUANG Liujing(College of Landscape Architecture and Art,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,Fujian,China;Guangdong Academy of Environmental Sciences,Guangzhou 510045,Guangdong,China)
出处 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期258-270,共13页 Pratacultural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(32071578) 福建省自然科学资金(2021J01133) 学科交叉融合项目(YSYL-xkjc-8)。
关键词 野生观赏草 灰色关联度分析法 观赏价值 生态适应性 本土植物 园林应用 生境 wild ornamental grasses grey correlational analysis method ornamental value ecological adaptability native plant garden application habitat
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