5HMSO: Report of the Committee Appointed by the Prime Minister to Inquiry into the Position of Natural Science in the Educational System of Great Britain(Thomson Report) Reports from Commissioners-5-Education. Governmental Publications, London, 1918.
6Mach, E. On Instruction in the Classics and the Sci- ence. In E. Mach's Popular Scientific Lecture (1886/1943).
7BAAS. Report on Science Teaching in Secondary School. London, 1917: 12.
8From Hurd, P. D. Biological Education in American Secondary Schools 1800-1960.Washington, DC: American Institute of Biological Science, 1961: 38.
9Gagne, R.. The Learning Requirements for Inquiry. Journal of R.esearch in Science Teaching, 1963, (2): 147.
10Association for Science Education. Science in its So- cial Context. http://www.nationalstemcentre.org.uk/elibrary/ collection/255/science-in-a-socia1-context-siscon.