
实践哲学是理解和创新中国传统哲学思想文化的科学理论范式——基于伽达默尔“实践哲学范式”思想的比较性论析 被引量:1

Practical Philosophy is the Scientific Theoretical Paradigm for Understanding and Innovating Chinese Traditional Philosophy and Culture:a Comparative Analysis Based on Gadamer’s “Practical Philosophy Paradigm”
摘要 中国传统哲学思想文化历史悠久,但作为一种在西方哲学影响下所构建出的哲学理论,一直未能得到准确的定位和深刻的理解,也因此,所谓中国哲学“合法性问题”一直萦绕不去。近年来,汉语哲学的提出,不仅是要讨论如何让哲学说汉语的问题,更为关切的是,怎样通过汉语语言通向和彰显作为一种哲学形态的“汉语哲学”的自身论域、性质、属性和特点,从而在世界哲学版图中,凸显出其特有的理论价值与思想资源。亚里士多德将实践科学从理论科学和技艺科学中单列出来,创立了实践哲学,实践哲学成为关于人的自身存在和行为意义之整体性普遍性反思的学问,伽达默尔则将实践哲学称为人的存在合适的自我理解、具有承载力的思想“模式”和“理解科学”可据以参照的唯一的“科学理论范式”。中国传统哲学思想文化是世界性奠基文化形态之一,不同于西方主导性的本质知识性诉求的理论哲学,而以思考人生和社会问题的实践哲学为鲜明特色。基于实践哲学“理论范式”上,中国传统哲学思想文化抑或汉语哲学才能获得自身思想精神和文化特质的关键性理解,也才会真正彰显其“不同的、另类的”深刻思想意义,实现自身创造性转换和创新性发展,并作为一种重要思想资源贡献于世界哲学文化的当代建构与未来发展。 Chinese traditional philosophy and culture have a long history,but as a philosophical theory constructed under the influence of western philosophy,it has not been accurately positioned and deeply understood. Therefore, “legitimacy problem” of Chinese philosophy has been suspending. In recent years,the proposal of Chinese philosophy not only concerns about how to make philosophy speak Chinese,but also about how to reveal the domain,nature,attribute and characteristics of “Chinese philosophy” as a philosophical form through Chinese language,so as to highlight its unique theoretical value and thought resources in the world philosophy.Aristotle listed practical science separately from theoretical science and technical science,and founded practical philosophy,which became the knowledge of the holistic and universal reflection on the meaning of human beings’ own existence and behavior. Gadamer called practical philosophy the only “scientific theoretical paradigm” to which human beings’ existence,appropriate self understanding,and the bearing thinking “mode” of “understanding science” can be referenced. Chinese traditional philosophy and culture is one of the world’sf oundational cultural forms,which is different from the western leading theoretical philosophy of the pursuit of essential knowledge,and is characterized by the practical philosophy of thinking about life and social problems. Based on the “theoretical paradigm”,Chinese traditional philosophy and culture can obtain the understanding of their own cultural characteristics,and truly manifest the profound significance of being “different and alternative”,so as to realize their own creative transformation and innovative development,and contribute to the contemporary construction and future development of world philosophy and culture as an important resource.
作者 张能为 Zhang Nengwei
出处 《社会科学战线》 北大核心 2023年第1期21-36,281,共17页 Social Science Front
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDB026) 国家社会科学基金项目(22BZX095)。
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