
符号学视阈下身份标签的图形设计——以“族化现象”为例 被引量:1

Graphic Design of Identity Label from the Perspective of Design Semiotics,Taking"the Phenomenon of Familization"as an Example
摘要 随着互联网的崛起,信息广泛传播,像“追星族”“剁手族”“晒黑族”等类网络热词应运而生,层出不穷,这些身份标签中的“族化现象”多是人们针对某类人群的特征进行的总结性表达,反映的是信息传播的发展与社会现状的变迁。文章以符号学理论为切入视角,以身份标签中的“族化现象”为研究对象,以图形设计为表现手段,探讨符号学视阈下文本与图形之间的转化模式,进而为解读身份标签提供新的视角,同时也为图形符号介入交叉研究提供新的思路和方法。 With the rise of the internet as well as the wide spread of information.A lot of groups appear constantly within a short time,such as"Groupie","Hands-chopping People","Dark-side Exposers".It mostly summarizes the characteristics of a certain group of people,which reflects the development of literal symbols and the change of social culture.This article takes the design semiotic as the perspective,"the phenomenon of Familization"as the research object,and the graphic design as the means of expression,discussing the transformation mode between text and graphics under the semiotic vision.It provides a new perspective for the interpretation of identity labels as well as a new way and idea for the interdisciplinary research in the graphic design discipline.
作者 陈为 Chen Wei(Xinhua News Agency,Beijing 100803,China)
机构地区 新华通讯社
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2023年第3期45-47,共3页 Art and Design
关键词 符号学 图形设计 身份标签 族化现象 design semiotic graphic design identity labels familization
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