
高Q值、超窄带宽反向耦合型相移光栅 被引量:1

Contra-Directional Coupling Phase-Shifted Grating with High Q-Factor and Ultra-Narrow Bandwidth
摘要 相移光栅是光子集成电路的基本元件之一,被广泛应用于多种领域中。与传统的反射型相移光栅相比,反向耦合型相移光栅无需光环形器,易实现大规模集成。提出了一种高Q值、超窄带宽的反向耦合型相移光栅。利用光栅的Moire效应,通过将不同周期的波导光栅组合在一起,实现了Q值为12893、3 dB凹陷带宽为0.12 nm的反向耦合型相移光栅。该相移光栅具有尺寸小、Q值高和凹陷带宽窄等优势,能被广泛应用于生物传感、激光器和波长滤波等领域中。 Objective Phase-shifted gratings are often used in the fields of biosensing, narrow-band filtering, laser, ultra-high-speed optical signal processing, and optical computing and has received widespread attention. Compared with the traditional ring resonator, the phase-shifted grating has a larger working wavelength range and can meet the requirement of narrow-band filtering of a large-bandwidth input signal. In addition, the slightly larger size also brings a larger sample contact area,which can effectively improve the sensing sensitivity. The Q value is often an important indicator for device performance evaluation. For example, in narrow-band filtering, the larger the Q value, the better the wavelength selection performance of the filter, and the purer the filtered signal frequency. In the on-chip biomedical sensors, the larger the Q value, the lower the detection limit of the sensors. Therefore, the study of high-Q phase-shifted gratings has great practical application value. Although the existing π phase-shifted grating schemes have the advantages of a simple process, a high Q value, a narrow bandwidth, and flexible adjustment, they are all reflective schemes. The reflected signals of the gratings will be output through the original input port, and an optical ring needs to be added in practical applications. A magnetooptical device such as a detector separates the reflected signal from the input signal. Adding magneto-optical devices will increase the complexity of the system, and it is difficult to integrate magneto-optic materials with silicon-based devices on a large scale, so the application scenarios of π phase-shifted gratings will also be limited. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the contra-directional coupling type of π phase-shifted gratings.Methods To reduce the use of magneto-optical devices such as optical circulators and improve integration, the Moire grating structure is adopted to achieve a high Q value and an ultra-narrow bandwidth performance. According to the refractive index distribution function of a single grating, the refractive index distribution function of the system consisting of two gratings with slightly different periods is deduced, and the refractive index distribution is a rapidly changing structure with a slowly changing envelope. From the distribution of the refractive index, it can be concluded that the π phase shift can be realized at a special position. Therefore, the numerical analysis of the structure is carried out. Since the coupling coefficient of the structure is a function of the change in the position, its spectral characteristics are calculated according to the transmission matrix method. By optimizing different parameters, it is found that the Q value and the bandwidth of the structure have obvious advantages. Therefore, the Moire grating structure is adopted to solve the problem of low Q value in the phase shift gratings.Results and Discussions It is assumed that the grating period Λ1 is 312 nm, the number of gratings P1 is 521, the grating period Λ2 is 312. 6 nm and the number of gratings P2 is 520. Through calculation, the 3 dB bandwidth of the contradirectional coupled phase shift grating is 0. 1 nm, the extinction ratio(ER) is 19. 08 dB, and the Q value is 15771, but the sidelobe suppression ratio is only 0. 4 dB(Fig. 4). To further improve the sidelobe suppression ratio, the grating is optimized for apodization(Fig. 5). At this time, the sidelobe suppression of the spectral line at long wavelengths is more obvious(Fig. 6), which is caused by the uneven refractive index change(Fig. 5). At this time, the phase shift wavelength is 1547. 18 nm, the Q value is 12893, the 3 dB notch bandwidth is 0. 12 nm, the ER is 18. 81 dB, and the sidelobe suppression ratio is 10. 4 dB(Fig. 8), which are close to the performance parameters calculated by theory. After apodization optimization, the resonance wavelength is blue-shifted from the original 1577. 10 nm to 1547. 18 nm. To reduce the influence of apodization on wavelength shift, the part of the grating without any apodization is designed as a semi-concave and semi-convex structure(Fig. 9). At this time, the resonance wavelength is 1546. 04 nm, and the resonance wavelength shifts only 1. 14 nm(Fig. 10). It is proved that the designed structure can effectively reduce the influence of apodization on the wavelength shift.Conclusions A contra-directional coupling phase-shift grating with a high-Q value and an ultra-narrow bandwidth based on the Moire effect is presented. Firstly, the distribution function of the refractive index of the designed structure is analyzed. From the distribution function, it can be concluded that the refractive index has π phase shift characteristic at a special position. The transmission matrix method is used to prove that the combination of two gratings with slightly different periods can produce a π phase shift. Then, the proposed structure is optimized, and the contra-directional coupling phase-shift spectral line with a Q value of 12893, 3 dB notch bandwidth of 0. 12 nm, ER of 18. 81 dB, and sidelobe suppression ratio of 10. 4 dB can be obtained. The part of the grating without any apodization is designed as a semi-concave and semi-convex structure, which can effectively reduce the influence of apodization on the wavelength shift.The contra-directional coupling phase-shift grating has the advantages of small size, light weight, high Q value, ultranarrow notch bandwidth, and high sidelobe suppression ratio, and can be widely used in the fields of biosensing, lasers,and wavelength filtering.
作者 廖莎莎 黄琮 冯玉婷 张伍浩 赵帅 刘真伟 Liao Shasha;Huang Cong;Feng Yuting;Zhang Wuhao;Zhao Shuai;Liu Zhenwei(School of Communication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期1-8,共8页 Acta Optica Sinica
基金 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0597) 上海交通大学区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室开放基金(2021GZKF005) 重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目(KJQN202200613)。
关键词 光栅 相移光栅 光子集成电路 Moire效应 反向耦合型相移光栅 硅光子学 gratings phase-shifted gratings photonic integrated circuits Moire effect contra-directional coupling phaseshifted gratings silicon photonics
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