摘要《语言景观与教育空间》(Linguistic Landscapes and Educational Spaces)是语言景观研究的一部新著,也是一本全新视角的工具书。该书将语言景观研究与教学空间研究相结合,理论联系实际,通过对具体案例的分析,得出相关结论。全书结构合理,框架清晰,研究方法多样,具有较高的学术价值,对不同层次的读者和研究者开展语言景观研究具有较大指导作用。
4Backhaus, P. 2006. Multilingualism in Tokyo: A look into the linguistic landscape [J]. In- ternational Journal of Multilingualism 3: 52-66.
5Backhaus, P. 2007. Linguistic Landscapes: A Comparative Study of Urban Multilingualism in Tokyo [M]. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
6Barni, M. & C. Bagna. 2009. A mapping technic and the linguistic landscape [A]. In E. Sho- hamy & D. Gorter (eds.). 2009. 126-140.
7Ben-Rafael, E. 2009. A sociological approach to the study of linguistic landscapes [A]. In E. Shohamy & D. Gorter (eds.). 2009.40-54.
8Ben-Rafael, E., E. Shohamy, M. Amara & N. Trumper-Hecht. 2006. Linguistic landscape as symbolic construction of the public space: The case of Israel [J]. International Journal of Multilingualism 3 : 7-30.
9Cenoz, J. & D. Gorter, 2006. Linguistic landscape and minority languages [J]. International Journal of Multilingualism 3: 67-80.
10Gorter, D. 2006. Linguistic Landscape: A New Approach to Multilingualism [M]. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.