
^(160-166)Er和^(164-170)Yb基态各角动量价核子对占有率 被引量:1

Valence Nucleon Pairs Occupancy of Each Angular Momentum in the Ground State of ^(160-166)Er and ^(164-170)Yb
摘要 利用严格可解的Nilsson形变平均场加邻近轨道对力模型,系统地拟合稀土区核素Er、Yb基态结合能、奇偶能差,确定模型的参数——对力强度,计算核素^(160-166)Er和^(164-170)Yb偶偶核基态各角动量价核子对的占有率,并与标准对力模型计算结果进行对比。结果显示:两种模型计算结果无明显差异,角动量为奇数价核子对的占有率远远小于角动量为偶数价核子对的占有率。进一步研究发现,角动量J=2、J=4、J=6的S、D、G价核子对在Er、Yb基态中占主导地位,但其他偶数J的价核子对在基态中的占有率不可忽略。 The exactly solvable Nilsson deformed mean-filed plus nearest-orbit pairing interaction model was used to systematically fit the ground-state binding energy and odd-even energy differences of the nuclides Er and Yb in the rare-earth nuclei,determine the model parameter—pairing interaction intensity,calculate the valence nucleon pairs occupancy of each angular momentum for even-even in the ground state of nuclides^(160-166)Er and^(164-170)Yb,and compare with the calculation results of the standard pairing interaction model.The results showed that there was no significant difference between the calculated results of the two models.The occupancy of valence nucleon pairs with odd angular momentum is far less than that of valence nucleon pairs with even angular momentum.Further research shows that S,D,G valence nucleon pairs with angular momentum J=2,J=4,J=6 are dominant in the ground state of Er,Yb,but the share of other even number J valence nucleon pairs in the ground state cannot be ignored.
作者 袁淑立 刘瑞娟 王娟 YUAN Shuli;LIU Ruijuan;WANG Juan(School of Science and Information Science,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,China)
出处 《青岛农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第1期73-78,共6页 Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University(Natural Science)
基金 青岛农业大学博士启动基金(663/1120063) 青岛农业大学实验技术课题(SYJS202116,SYJS202218)。
关键词 Nilsson形变平均场 邻近轨道对力 基态占有率 Nilsson deformed mean-field nearest-orbit pairing interaction ground-state occupancy
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