

The Common Influence of Folk Beliefs on the Spiritual Environment of Longevity Groups:Taking Bama,China and Okinawa,Japan as Examples
摘要 民间信仰作为一种精神文化,是长寿群体良好精神环境形成的文化根源之一。中国巴马和日本冲绳的民间信仰对当地居民的世界观、生命观、生活态度、人际关系以及家庭伦理均产生了一定影响,间接地促进了两地长寿群体良好精神环境的形成。两地民间信仰对长寿群体精神环境产生的影响具有一定的共性,其价值主要体现在形成乐观纯朴的生活态度、构建友好和睦的社群关系、营造尊老敬老的社会氛围等三个方面。同时,民间信仰在影响两地长寿群体的精神环境形成的过程中,还展现出间接性、持久性与内隐性的特点。正确认识民间信仰在长寿群体精神层面的影响,明确其中所体现的价值与特点,可以为我国全民健康计划的实施提供借鉴与参考。 As a spiritual culture,folk beliefs are one of the cultural roots for the spiritual environment of longevity groups.The folk beliefs of Bama,China,and Okinawa,Japan,have influenced the worldview,outlook on life,attitude toward life,interpersonal relationships,and family ethics of local residents.Indirectly,folk beliefs have contributed to the formation of a good spiritual environment for longevity groups in both places.The spiritual influences of folk beliefs on longevity groups in the two regions has certain commonalities,and its values are mainly reflected in three aspects,such as forming an optimistic and simple attitude to life,constructing friendly and harmonious community relations,and creating a social atmosphere of respect for the elderly.At the same time,folk beliefs also exhibit the characteristics of indirectness,persistence and implicitness in influencing the formation of the spiritual environment of the longevity groups in the two regions.A proper understanding of the influence of folk beliefs on the spiritual dimension of longevity groups,as well as the values and characteristics embodied in them,can provide reference for the implementation of the national health plan in China.
作者 罗成舜 李明华 LUO Chengshun;LI Minghua(Foreign Languages College,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin Guangxi 541006,China)
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2023年第2期93-100,共8页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
基金 广西壮族自治区教育厅广西研究生教育创新计划项目“中日两国长寿文化的比较研究——以广西巴马和日本冲绳为例”(YCSW2021083) 国家社会科学基金项目“二十世纪以来日本冲绳学文献的整理与研究”(20BMZ097)。
关键词 巴马 冲绳 民间信仰 长寿群体 精神环境 共性影响 Bama Okinawa Folk Beliefs Longevity Groups Spiritual Environment Common Influence
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