
列宁:国家垄断广告业务是天真的、错误的 被引量:1

Lenin:The Policy of State-Monopolized Advertising Had Been Naive and Wrong
摘要 1917年十月革命前后,列宁在与社会革命党和孟什维克党既合作又斗争、同时反对资产阶级临时政府的斗争中,萌发“国家垄断广告”、阻断资产阶级报刊财路的设想。1918-1920年,列宁实施“战时共产主义”,取消商品交换和实际上取消货币,商品广告在苏俄消失。1921年春以后,列宁承认犯了重大错误,取消“战时共产主义”,实施“新经济政策”。1921年,他承认“国家垄断广告”的设想是天真的、错误的。新经济政策的实质,是无产阶级领导下的市场经济,一定程度恢复了商品生产和自由交换,苏俄的广告业获得了短暂的快速发展。这一时期,列宁对国家的整体经济建设进行了深入思考,有一系列的创造性政策实践。1922年,他不惜违反党代表大会的议程规则,对已经通过的禁止党中央机关报《真理报》刊登广告的决议提出批评,并促使党代表大会取消了这一禁令。列宁关于广告认识的转变,是马克思主义新闻观发展史上一个值得深入研究的话题。 Before and after the October Revolution in 1917,Lenin came up with the idea of StateMonopolized Advertising so as to cut off the income source of the bourgeois press in the process of cooperating&struggling with the Social Revolutionary Party and the Party of Menshevik,as well as in the struggle against the bourgeois interim government.From 1918 to 1920,the War Communism policy was implemented,under which commodity exchange was banned and currency was essentially canceled,that led to the widely disappearance of commercial ads.After the spring of 1921,Lenin acknowledged that he had made a big mistake and the War Communism policy was replaced with the New Economic Policy(NEP).In 1921,Lenin admitted that the policy of State-Monopolized Advertising had been“naive”and“wrong”.Essentially being a market-economy under the management of proletariat,the NEP restored commodity production and free exchange,commercial advertising market in Soviet Russia was recovered,that resulted in a short though fast development of advertising.It is at this time that Lenin made some deep thinking of the state’s overall economic development with a batch of innovative policy practices introduced.In 1922,at the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party(Bolsheviks),Lenin didn’t hesitate to break the rules to correct an already-passed bill that bans Pravda from publishing ads.In the history of Marxist View of Journalism,the transformation of Lenin’s cognition of advertising is a topic that deserves to be profoundly studied.
作者 葛在波 许红玲 陈力丹 Ge Zaibo;Xu Hongling;Chen Lidan(School of Literature and Communication,Lingnan Normal University;School of Literature and Journalism,Sichuan University;Sichuan University)
出处 《新闻界》 北大核心 2023年第2期66-76,共11页 Journalism and Mass Communication
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“唯物史观视域下的广告批判研究”(19FXWB005)。
关键词 列宁 国家垄断广告 苏俄战时共产主义 新经济政策 Lenin State-Monopolized Advertising War Communism in RSFSR New Economic Policy
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