
中药降香的本草考证 被引量:4

Herbal Textual Research on Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum in Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要 降香为我国传统中药材,历代本草对其记载较为混杂,至今基原仍存在较大争议。从名称、基原、产地、品质评价、采收加工及炮制方面进行考证可知,降香本名降真香,历代本草中多以降真香为正名记载,自明代《本草纲目》将降香作为降真香的简称,后至清末、民国时期逐渐以降香作为药材正名。从古至今降香基原历经变革,古代(1840年前)国产降香基原考证为黄檀属藤黄檀Dalbergia hancei Benth.、斜叶黄檀D.pinnata(Lour.)Prain、两粤黄檀D.benthamii Prain、滇黔黄檀D.yunnanensis Franch.等能够产生香材的藤本植物,进口降香基原则考证为黄檀属印度黄檀D.sissoo DC.、小花黄檀D.parviflora Roxb.等具有心材的木本植物;由于降真香(山油柑)Acronychia pedunculata(L.)Miq.植物名与药材名相同,1840—1948年部分著作误将山油柑作降香记载;《中华人民共和国药典》1977年版首次收录降香,规定其基原为降香檀D.odorifera T.Chen。据记载,古代国产和进口降香均无明确道地产区;1949年至今,唯一道地产区为海南省。历代本草记载,进口降香以颜色红且香气甜而不辣,或颜色紫而油润者入药为佳;中华人民共和国成立后,以降香檀心材替代进口降香入药,其品质以颜色紫红、质地坚硬油润者为佳。历代本草记载降香炮制方法包括将其刮下碾成细末和烧存性;近现代以加工成细粉或镑片为主。考证结果为今后成方制剂开发及临床应用提供重要参考。 Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine,which has been recorded in the ancient materia medica works for many generations,but its origin is still controversial.From textual research on the name,origin,production area,quality evaluation,harvesting,and processing,it was known that Jiangzhenxiang was the old name of Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum in Chinese.Since The Grand Compendium of Materia Medica(Bencao Gangmu)in the Ming Dynasty has taken Jiangxiang as the abbreviation of Jiangzhenxiang,the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China have gradually used it as the proper name of Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum in Chinese.From ancient times to the present,the origin of Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum has been changing.The ancient origins in China were proved to be Dalbergia hancei Benth.,D.pinnata(Lour.)Merr.,D.benthamii Prain,D.yunnanensis Franch.,and other lianas that could produce incense materials,and the imported origins were proved to be D.sissoo DC.,D.parviflora Roxb.,and other woody plants with heartwood.The botanical name of Acronychia pedunculata(L.)Miq.in Chinese was Jiangzhenxiang,which was same as that of Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum,so some recent works in China mistakenly recorded A.pedunculata as Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum.Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum was initially recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia(1977 edition),in which its origin was determined as D.odorifera T.Chen.There was no definite genuine production area of D.odorifera in ancient times,and nowadays its genuine production area is only Hainan province.In the past materia medica works,the imported D.odorifera with red color and sweet but not spicy aroma or purple color and oily features was optimal for medicine.Since the People′s Repulic of China was founded,the imported D.odorifera was replaced by the heartwood of D.odorifera to use in medicine,and its quality was superior when it was purple in color with hard and oily texture.According to the records of ancient materia medica,the processing methods of Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum were divided into scraping to grind into fine powder and parching.In modern times,it was mainly processed into fine powder or fine slice.The textual research results in this paper will provide important references for the development of formulae and clinical usages of Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum.
作者 李佳文 刘洋洋 弓宝 杨云 王秋玲 孟慧 魏建和 LI Jia-wen;LIU Yang-yang;GONG Bao;YANG Yun;WANG Qiu-ling;MENG Hui;WEI Jian-he(Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Resources Conservation and Development of Southern Medicine/Key Laboratory of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Agarwood Sustainable Utilization,Hainan Branch Institute of Medicinal Plant Development,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Haikou 570311,China;Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substances and Resources Utilization of Chinese Herbal Medicine,Ministry of Education&National Engineering Laboratory for Breeding of Endangered Medicinal Materials,Institute of Medicinal Plant Development,Chinese Academy of Medical Science&Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2023年第1期178-191,共14页 Modern Chinese Medicine
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程项目(2021-I2M-1-032) 海南省重点研发计划项目(ZDYF2021SHFZ077,ZDYF2021SHFZ047) 海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目(2019RC344) 海南省自然科学基金青年基金项目(821QN0947)。
关键词 降香 降真香 黄檀属 降香檀 学名演变 本草考证 Jiangxiang(Dalbergiae Odoriferae Lignum) Jiangzhenxiang Dalbergia Dalbergia odorifera evolution of scientific name herbal textual research
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