
《资本论》的历史哲学意蕴 被引量:2

The Historical Philosophy Implications of Das Kapital
摘要 马克思是历史哲学领域中的旗帜性人物。在对以“永恒论”为基调的“一般历史哲学”的“批判性拒绝”中,马克思推出了以“发展论”为核心的“批判的历史哲学”。在《资本论》中,马克思遵循了哲学服务历史的基本取向,并沿着两条并行不悖的路径稳步推进了他的“历史之思”:一是依托于唯物史观的分析范式,深入物质生产领域探掘了历史的本质与规律,二是以政治经济学批判为武器切近现代工商业实践格局,洞悉了资本主义的前景和命运。据此而论,马克思在《资本论》中竭力探掘社会历史的根源并展开对资本主导下的经济运行规则和文化道德机制的实质性批判,确证了以生产方式为基础、以人类解放为核心的“经济基础—上层建筑”的历史哲学运思路向。马克思的历史哲学就是一种基于实践的历史性批判,它在回应“时代之问”中完成了关于人类“历史之谜”的哲学思考。这种历史哲学以“世界历史”为基本定向,以“人类社会”为立脚点,实现了对“当代的自我阐明”,开辟了历史哲学的新境界和开启了人类文明的新方向。 investigation of social history.Marx upheld the basic method that“philosophy”is in the service of“history”.He completed the profundity analysis of social history with historical materialism and the critique of political economy.Marx initiated the analysis of history by examining social history issues in the context of economic problems.This line of thought is well documented in Das Kapital in which Marx steadily advanced his historical analysis along two parallel paths.One of them,focused on material relations of life,expounded the productivity in the decisive role in the process of historical development of society,revealing the nature of history and its evolution law.The second one,focused on modern business and industry,launched a historical understanding and substantive critique of the relationship between labor and capital,casting insight on the development prospects and historical destiny of capitalism.In Das Kapital,Marx strived to explore the roots of social history.He launched a substantive criticism of the economic operation rules and cultural moral mechanism under the domination of capital,concretizing the historical philosophical analysis method of“economic foundation-superstructure”based on the mode of production and centered on human liberation.Marx s approach to critical philosophy of history with development as its core is in fact a historical critique based on practice.Marx completed his philosophical reflection on the mystery of human history in response to the question of the times.On the one hand,taking“world history”as its basic orientation,Marx s historical philosophy contributed to the transformation of mankind from“history”to“world history”.On the other hand,taking“human society”as its starting point,Marx in the overall investigation of human history realized the process of discovering the“new world”while criticizing the“old world”.Das Kapital opened up a new realm of historical philosophy,as it represented the new view of world history which combined the transformation of world history with the transformation of philosophical thinking.Marx s Das Kapital opened a new chapter to solve the“historical mystery”of mankind.Marx s historical philosophy no longer aims to preserve reality and explain the world;it constantly explores scientific solutions to change reality in the process of facing reality.The historical philosophy of Das Kapital has led the trend of the times and the direction of human development.It has also become a theoretical resource for building a great modern socialist country and developing a new form of human civilization.
作者 付文军 Fu Wenjun
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第2期21-29,187,188,共11页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“《资本论》及其手稿中的社会哲学思想研究”(21CKS030)。
关键词 《资本论》 历史哲学 社会形态 发展论 人类文明新形态 Das Kapital Historical philosophy Social formation Theory of development A new form of human civilization
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