

The Value Objectives, Actual Circumstances and Practice Directions of National Image Construction from the Perspective of Chinese Path to Modernization: Taking the International Publicity Work of Hainan Free Trade Port as an Example
摘要 新形势下,以中国式现代化推进中华民族伟大复兴,为国家形象建设提供了明确的发力方向与坚实的实践支撑。海南自贸港作为引领中国新时代对外开放的鲜明旗帜,无疑成为向世界宣介中国式现代化成果的重要窗口,对于提升国家形象具有独特优势。为此,首先应当明确中国式现代化所昭明的海南自贸港外宣工作新使命,是要以打造自贸港建设新标杆、树立地方对外传播新典范、激发周边区域交往新活力作为国家形象建设的价值目标;其次,须认清以海南自贸港外宣加强中国式现代化对外传播是提升国家形象的必然要求,而其当前取得的成果与面临的挑战成为宣介中国式现代化的宝贵资源与潜在动能,以此构成国家形象建设的现实境遇;最后,探求以海南价值、海南表达、海南议题、海南经济发展以及底线思维为重点的全方位提升海南自贸港外宣能力的实践路向,从而有效助力于塑造良好国家形象。 Under the new situation, promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization has provided a clear direction and solid practical support for the construction of the national image. As a clear banner leading China’s opening up in the new era, Hainan Free Trade Port has undoubtedly become an important window to promote the achievements of Chinese path to modernization to the world, and has unique advantages for enhancing the country’s image. To this end, first of all, we should clarify the new mission of the international publicity of Hainan Free Trade Port work manifested by Chinese path to modernization, which is to build a new benchmark for the construction of the free trade port, establish a new model of local international publicity, and stimulate the new vitality of peripheral regional exchanges as the value goal of national image construction;Secondly, it is necessary to recognize that strengthening the external communication of Chinese path to modernization with the international publicity of the Hainan Free Trade Port is an inevitable requirement for enhancing the country’s image, and its current achievements and challenges have become valuable resources and potential momentum for promoting Chinese path to modernization, so as to constitute the actual situation of national image construction;Finally, it explores the practical direction of comprehensively improving the international publicity capabilities of Hainan Free Trade Port, focusing on Hainan values, Hainan expressions, Hainan issues, Hainan economic development and bottom-line thinking, so as to effectively help shape a good national image.
作者 杨威 侯家威 Yang Wei;Hou Jiawei(College of Marxism,Hainan Normal University,Haikou 571158,China)
出处 《文化软实力研究》 2023年第1期39-52,共14页 Studies on Cultural Soft Power
基金 2022年海南省马克思主义理论研究与建设工程专项课题“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想国际传播的海南实践研究”(2022HNMGC05) 海南省研究生创新科研课题“新形势下地方外宣工作提升中华文化国际传播效能的路径探究——以海南自由贸易港对外交流为视角”(Qhys2021-278)的成果。
关键词 中国式现代化 海南自贸港外宣 国家形象 Chinese Path to Modernization International Publicity of Hainan Free Trade Port National Image
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