

Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Hub Leakage Flow on the Performance of Transonic Compressor Rotor
摘要 为揭示转子前缘轮毂间隙泄漏流对高负荷压气机气动性能影响的物理机制,采用轮毂间隙边界条件模化处理方法,开展了轮毂泄漏流对跨声速压气机转子性能影响的三维定常数值模拟,分析了不同轮毂泄漏流量下压气机轮毂壁面流场结构与流态变化特征。研究结果表明:轮毂泄漏流会恶化压气机流通能力,影响程度随着泄漏量增加而逐渐增大。在近峰值效率工况下,当泄漏流量达到0.50%时,压气机流量约减小0.74%。当轮毂泄漏流达到一定强度后,反而呈现出部分正面效果,使得压气机压比或效率得到一定程度改善。轮毂泄漏流通过影响轮毂壁面流场结构空间分布来对压气机气动性能施加影响,尤其是鞍点的位置决定着轮毂间隙下游回流区和顺流区的影响范围以及轮毂壁面横向潜流强度。 In order to reveal the physical mechanism of effect of hub clearance leakage flow on the aerodynamic performance of high-load compressor,a three-dimensional steady numerical simulation of effect of hub leakage flow on the performance of transonic compressor rotor was carried out with adopting a modeling treatment method of hub clearance boundary condition.The flow spectrum structure and flow pattern variation characteristics on the compressor hub wall were also analyzed.The results show that the hub leakage flow will worsen the compressor flow capacity,and the effect degree will gradually increase with the increase of leakage.When the leakage flow reaches 0.50%,the compressor flow decreases by about 0.74%under the near peak efficiency operating condition.When the hub leakage flow reaches a certain intensity,it shows a partial positive effect,which improves compressor pressure ratio or efficiency.The hub leakage flow affects the aerodynamic performance of compressor by changing the spatial distribution of the flow structure on the hub wall.Especially,the position of the saddle point determines the effect range of the downstream backflow region and downstream region of the hub clearance and the transverse underflow intensity on the hub wall.
作者 付尧明 向宏辉 薛岩 林彬彬 侯宽新 王迎国 杨泳 Fu Yaoming;Xiang Honghui;Xue Yan;Lin Binbin;Hou Kuanxin;Wang Yingguo;Yang Yong(College of Aeronautical Engineering,Civil Aviation Flight University of China,Sichuan Guanghan 618307,China;Sichuan Gas Turbine Establishment,Aero Engine Corporation of China,Sichuan Mianyang 621000,China;College of Energy and Power Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
出处 《燃气轮机技术》 2023年第1期10-17,55,共9页 Gas Turbine Technology
基金 四川省科技计划项目(2022JDRC0013)。
关键词 压气机转子 轮毂泄漏流 气动性能 流动分离 旋涡结构 数值模拟 compressor rotor hub leakage flow aerodynamic performance flow separation vortex structure numerical simulation
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