
城市夜间经济集聚区消费空间生产研究——以江门市蓬江区“环五邑华侨广场商圈”为例 被引量:1

On the Production of Consumption Space in Urban Nighttime Economic Agglomeration:A Case Study of HWY Overseas Chinese Plaza of Jiangmen City
摘要 基于空间生产理论的研究视角,本文以广东省江门市蓬江区“环五邑华侨广场商圈”夜间经济集聚区为案例地,运用深度访谈和文本分析等质性研究方法,尝试从消费者的角度探讨城市夜间经济集聚区消费空间的生产过程。研究发现:消费者感受到来自政府和规划设计者的权力规训和引导;空间形象塑造和规章准则作为开发运营商主要的资本规训因素对消费者及经营服务者产生影响,消费者表现出“认同、顺应”的行为策略,但消费者在空间感知的基础上与权力、资本规训展开博弈;权力话语主体和消费话语主体在夜间经济集聚区空间中同时进行生产,营造出新的空间实践。文章旨在推动城市后现代消费空间的塑造及夜间经济的发展。 Based on the research perspective of space production theory,this study conducts a case study of the nighttime economic agglomeration of the HWY Overseas Chinese Plaza in Pengjiang District,Jiangmen City of Guangdong Province,using qualitative research methods such as in-depth interviews and text analysis.This study discusses the construction process of consumption space in urban nighttime economic agglomeration from the perspective of consumers.The research fi ndings show that,fi rst,with the development and promotion of nighttime economic agglomeration,consumers perceive authoritative prompts from the government and planners in the form of symbolic signs such as government policy documents,architecture and graphic texts,night lighting,and nighttime leisure activities.In addition,space image and regulatory guidelines function as the major capital factors of developers,infl uencing consumers and various other service providers.Consumers,on their part,show identity and compliance,which indicates that power and capital play a larger part in spatial practice and spatial representation.However,consumers are not passively tamed in space,and based on space perception,they interact with power and capital,gradually participating in the reproduction of space.Second,as representational space serves as an interaction between consumers’cognition and practice,its internal mechanism has great significance for the development of nighttime economic agglomeration,which is manifested in the whole process of consumers’gradual cognition of space through their own spatial perception.In conclusion,active players in power discourse and consumption discourse interact simultaneously in the space of nighttime economic agglomeration,thus creating a new spatial practice.Finally,the paper also discusses the future research direction of nighttime economic agglomeration,which has great value in promoting postmodern urban consumption space and the development of the nighttime economy.
作者 李爽 苏亚妮 尹博诗 王纯阳 LI Shuang;SU Yani;YIN Boshi;WANG Chunyang(School of Tourism Management,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;School of Economic and Management,Wuyi University,Jiangmen 529020,China)
出处 《旅游导刊》 2023年第1期62-84,共23页 Tourism and Hospitality Prospects
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“城市居民夜间休闲参与、制约与协商研究--以广州市中心城区为例”(项目编号:GD20CGL51)资助
关键词 空间生产 消费空间 夜间经济 夜间旅游 感知体验 production of space consumption space nighttime economy nighttime tourism perceptual experience
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