Swept source optical coherence tomography(SS-OCT)is a new noninvasive technique for assessing tissue.Although it hasadvantages,such as being label-free,noninvasive,and with high resolution,it also has drawbacks:there has been no indepth research into identifying the driving of swept source.Based on preliminary research,we demonstrate a novel drivingmodulation method of a fiber Fabry–Perot tunable filter ranging phase adjustable as a tool for making bandwidth compensation of a swept laser source.This novel method is analyzed in detail;a swept laser source with a sweep rate of100.5 kHz over a range of 152.25 nm and at a center wavelength of 1335.45 nm is demonstrated.
Zhiwei Yang;Xu Wu;Jihong Pei;Shuangchen Ruan(College of Electronic Information Engineering,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China;Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Precision Manufacturing Technology of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes,Shenzhen Technology University,Shenzhen 518118,China)
supported in part by the Shenzhen Key Project for Technology Development(Nos.JSGG2020110215360002,JSGG20191129105838333,and CJGJZD20200617103003009).