

Literary Women,Women's Literature and Feminist Criticism:An Intervie wwith Jin Li
摘要 本文是对北京外国语大学金莉教授的访谈。金莉教授回顾了自己从事美国女性文学研究近30年的历程,并以美国文学女性和女性文学为例,对女性文学界定、女性文学传统、女权主义批评的流派、发展阶段和趋势以及女性文学与女性文学研究的意义等问题进行了深入阐释。金莉教授认为,女性文学表现出对女性经历的特别关注,反映女性作家从女性视角对于人类经验的审视与反思。美国女性文学在构建美国民族文学、书写与反思女性体验、改善女性生存现状及促进社会发展进步等方面发挥了不可估量的作用。当代女权文学批评应更加注重文化历史与文学作品之间的互动,充分发挥其社会文化使命和政治参与,打破国别、学科和疆界壁垒,走向更为多元化的视野。最后,金莉教授分享了治学经验与方法并寄语青年学者。 This is an interview with Professor Jin Li of Beijing Foreign Studies University.Professor Jin Li reviews her academic career of nearly 30 years in the field of American women's literature.Taking American women writers and women's literature as examples,she expounds on the definition of women's literature,female literary tradition,the approaches,stages and trends of feminist criticism,and the significance of women's literature and women literary studies.Professor Jin Li holds that women's literature shows special concern for female experiences and reflects on women writers'efforts to examine human experiences from the female perspective.American women's literature has played an invaluable role in constructing American national literature,representing and examining female experiences,bettering women's living conditions and promoting social progress.Feminist criticism in the contemporary age should lay more emphasis on the interplay between culture,history and literary works,give full play to its social,cultural mission and political participation,and demolish national,disciplinary and border barriers to encompass more diversified visions.Professor Jin Li concludes the interview with suggestions to and expectations for young scholars.
作者 黄辉辉 Huang Huihui
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 2022年第2期1-19,F0004,共20页 English and American Literary Studies
基金 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目的阶段性成果(项目号:2022BWx003)。
关键词 文学女性 女性文学 女权批评 literary women women's literature feminist criticism
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