
古英诗《创世纪B》:《失乐园》的互文本之源 被引量:1

Genesis B as the Source Intertext of Paradise Lost
摘要 《创世纪B》作为古英诗《创世纪》中最具想象力的部分,为弥尔顿创作《失乐园》提供了史诗主题、故事框架及人物塑造的借鉴,可视为“古英语版的‘失乐园’”,是《失乐园》的互文本之源。受《创世纪B》的影响,弥尔顿放弃了业已动笔的以亚瑟王为原型的民族史诗,而将史诗主题提升至人类命运共同体视野,以代表“每一个灵魂”的亚当、夏娃为史诗英雄,聚焦其堕落与救赎这一具有全人类普遍意义的核心事件。在此基础上,弥尔顿一方面进一步在故事框架以及撒旦与夏娃的塑造上从《创世纪B》中汲取灵感,另一方面大胆创新与改写,最终孕育出被誉为“文学史诗之冠”的《失乐园》,在世界文学史上占据了永恒的“强者诗人”之地位。 Genesis B,the most imaginative part of the Old English poem Genesis,inspires John Milton comprehensively and profoundly in composing Paradise Lost,whose borrowing ranges from thematic concern,story frameworkkand characterization,so much so that Genesis B can be viewed as"Paradise Lost in Old English",functioning as the source intertext of the epic.First of all,under the influence of Genesis B,Milton changes his original intention of writing a national epic with King Arthur as the prototype,and elevates it to human community with shared future,that is,with the archetypes of"Every Soul"Adam and Eve as the epic heroes,and with their Original Fall and Redemption as the core narrative.Under such a premise,Milton continues to draw on Genesis B in designing the story frame and characterizing Satan and Eve.He also undertakes bold rewriting and renovating with which the Paradise Lost becomes the well-acknowledged Crown of Literary Epic.Therefore,Milton maintaining a permanent status as a"Strong Poet"in the historyofworld literature.
作者 潘紫霓 Pan Zini
出处 《英美文学研究论丛》 2022年第2期130-142,共13页 English and American Literary Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“弥尔顿作品整理、翻译与研究”(19ZDA298)与国家社会科学基金一般项目《英国16、17世纪史诗与英吉利民族命运共同体想象之研究》(20BWW052)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《创世纪B》 《失乐园》 互文本之源 借鉴 改写 Genesis B Paradise Lost the source intertext borrowing rewriting
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  • 1《圣经》.上海:中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会,2007年.
  • 2Abercrombie, Lascelles. The Epic. London: Martin Secker, 1922.
  • 3Addison, Joseph. "On Paradise Lost ." Milton.. The Critical Heritage 1628-1731. Ed. John T. Shawcross. New York: Barnes, 1970.
  • 4Alder, M.J., et al., eds. Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 19. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1980.
  • 5Bacon, Francis. "Of Cunning." Essays. Oxford: Clarendon, 2000.
  • 6Blake, William. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Oxford: Bodleian, 2011.
  • 7Bloom, Harold. John Milton. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2011.
  • 8Broadbent, J. B. Some Graver Subjects : An Essay on Paradise Lost. New York: Schocken, 1960.
  • 9Burke, Edmund. "On Milton's Sublimity." Milton:The Critical Heritage 1732-1801. Ed. John T. Shawcross. New York: Barnes, 1972.
  • 10Burns, Robert. "Letter to W. Nicol." The Letters of Robert Burns. Vol. 2. Ed. G. Ross Roy, Oxford: OUP, 1985.











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