

Curriculum Reform of Labour Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in Denmark: Policy, Content and Evaluation
摘要 21世纪以来,丹麦中小学劳动教育课程改革与时俱进,2013年取消了“家政学”“手工艺”与“针线活”课程,正式设立“食品科学”和“工艺与设计”两门课程,以培养学生健康、科学的生活观念以及创意开发与设计能力。丹麦中小学劳动教育课程贯穿小学3年级至初中9年级,课程围绕着中小学教学计划的共同目标,按照“能力目标+知识+技能”的方式展开,以未来家庭生活和职业需要为取向,为参与未来民生社会生活作准备。课程实施倡导真实情境学习、跨学科交叉主题学习和项目化学习;课程测试与评估提倡形成性评估与终结性评估相结合,不仅关注专业知识与技能的掌握,而且关注产品制作中的创意与美学价值。 Since the 21st century, Danish primary and secondary school labor education curriculum reform has advanced with the times. In 2013, previous courses of home economics, handicraft and needlework were canceled;new courses of food science, crafts and design were officially established to cultivate students’ healthy and scientific concepts of life, as well as creative development and design abilities. Danish primary and secondary school labor education curriculum is then established from Grade 3 in primary school to Grade 9 in junior middle school.The curriculum revolves around the common goals of primary and secondary school teaching plan, which carries out according to the path of "ability goal + knowledge + skills". It is oriented to the future life and career needs, so as to prepare children for participating in the future social life. In the implementation of the curriculum, it advocates real situation learning, interdisciplinary learning and project-based learning. The curriculum testing and evaluation advocates the combination of formative and terminal evaluation. The academic performance of the course is graded based on a seven-level system. It focuses on not only the mastery of professional knowledge and skills, but also the creativity and aesthetic value in the products.
作者 刘惕若 刘正伟 LIU Tiruo;LIU Zhengwei(College of Education,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058)
出处 《比较教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第3期50-60,共11页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 丹麦 劳动教育 食品科学 工艺与设计 跨学科学习 Denmark labour education food science crafts and design interdisciplinary learning
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