
中医Ⅱ期疗法治疗湿热瘀结型子宫腺肌病疗效及对患者CA125、EMAb的影响 被引量:2

Therapeutic effect of Phase Ⅱ of TCM on damp-heat stasis type adenomyosis and its influence on CA125 and EMAb
摘要 目的观察中医Ⅱ期疗法治疗湿热瘀结型子宫腺肌病疗效及对免疫指标糖类抗原(CA125)、抗子宫内膜抗体(EMAb)的影响。方法选取60例湿热瘀结型子宫腺肌病患者,根据随机数字表法分为研究组与对照组,每组30例。研究组实施中医Ⅱ期疗法治疗,对照组实施常规治疗,比较两组临床疗效。结果治疗后,两组月经量评分、视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分、子宫内膜厚度、CA125水平、EMAb阳性率较治疗前下降,血红蛋白水平较治疗前提升,且研究组明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组患者总有效率96.67%高于对照组的73.33%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论中医Ⅱ期疗法治疗湿热瘀结型子宫腺肌病患者可显著改善月经量、子宫内膜厚度及免疫指标,减轻痛经程度,提高血红蛋白水平,效果显著。 Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of phase Ⅱ therapy on damp-heat stage-stasis type adenomyosis and its influence on immune index carbohydrate antigen(CAI 25)and anti-endometrial antibody(EMAb).Methods 60 patients with damp-heat stasis type adenomyosis were selected and divided into study group and control group according to random number table method,with 30 cases in each group.The study group was treated with phase Ⅱ TCM therapy,while the control group was treated with conventional therapy.The clinical efficacy of the two groups was compared.Results After treatment,menstrual volume score,visual analog scale(VAS)score,endometrial thickness,CA125 level and positive rate of EMAb in two groups were decreased compared with before treatment,and hemoglobin level was increased,and the study group was significantly better than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The total effective rate of the study group was 96.67% higher than that of the control group 73.33%,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion In the treatment of dampheat stage-stasis type adenomyosis,phase Ⅱ therapy of traditional Chinese medicine can significantly improve menstrual volume,endometrial thickness and immune indexes,reduce dysmenorrhea degree,and increase hemoglobin level.
作者 赵静 Zhao Jing(Department of Gynecology,Qinhuangdao Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Qinhuangdao 066000,China)
出处 《实用妇科内分泌电子杂志》 2022年第28期40-42,共3页 Electronic Journal of Practical Gynecological Endocrinology
关键词 子宫腺肌病 中医Ⅱ期疗法 湿热瘀结型 Adenomyopathy of uterus TCM phaseⅡtherapy Dampness-heat stasis type
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