

Study on the Change of Electricity Structure in Xumai Township Nimu County Lhasa City Tibet
摘要 西藏乡村用电结构演变研究折射西藏乡村电力发展信息。为掌握农牧民住户用电结构变化产生的深层次原因,实地调研西藏拉萨市尼木县一个典型乡村续迈乡近30年来供电来源、用电结构、用电设备以及运行管理状况等的变化情况,探索西藏乡村电力发展变化历史与变化趋势。实地调研发现,在2014年之前主要依靠小型独立太阳能光伏供电,电力主要用于照明;自从2014年并入国家电网,近3年来续迈乡年用电量增长率都超过6%,用电从低电压向宽幅电压转变,供电稳定性达90%。同时利用太阳能光伏路灯,所用电器从简单的照明灯发展到家电、农用电动车、糌粑机和榨油机等动力电器。在2019年,该乡农网10 kV中低压配电网工程投入并使用。但是调研发现,村民希望能够使用更多的太阳能供电供热,以减少电费和燃气费的花销。 The study on the evolution of rural electricity structure in Tibet reflects the information of rural power development in Tibet.In order to grasp the depth of changes in household electricity consumption structure of farmers and herdsmen,a field survey was conducted to investigate the changes in power supply sources,electricity structure,electrical equipment,and operation and management status in Xumai Township,a typical rural area of Nimu County of Lhasa City in Tibet,in the past 30 years,to explore the history and trend of rural power development and change in Tibet.Field research found that before 2014,it mainly relied on small independent solar photovoltaic power supply,mainly for lighting;Since the performance of the National Grid in 2014;In the past three years,the annual electricity consumption growth rate of Xumai Township has exceeded 6%,and the electricity consumption has changed from“low voltage”to“wide voltage”,and the power supply stability has reached 90%.In the meantime,the use of solar photovoltaic street lights.The electrical appliances used have developed from simple lighting lamps to power appliances such as home appliances,agricultural electric vehicles,machines of making the tsamba and oil presses.In 2019,the 10 kV medium and low voltage distribution network project of the rural network in Xumai township was put into practice.But the survey found that villagers want to be able to use more solar power to supply electricity and heat to reduce the expense of electricity and gas.
作者 王文雅 索朗曲宗 吴敏 万溧 刘诚鹏 Wang Wen-ya;Suolangquzong;Wu Min;Wan Li;Liu Cheng-peng
出处 《电力系统装备》 2023年第1期46-48,共3页 Electric Power System Equipment
基金 西藏自治区科技厅自然基金项目(XZ202101ZR0037G)。
关键词 西藏 乡村 用电结构 调研 Tibet rural area power structure investiation
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