

Springback prediction of stamping GH3536 alloy sheet with complex surface
摘要 研究了GH3536合金板材复杂型面的冲压回弹预测问题。基于LS-DYNA有限元模拟软件以及优化软件LS-OPT,建立了一种适用于Y-U硬化模型和Chaboche硬化模型的参数拟合方法,并拟合了上述模型的待定参数。通过对比材料模型对循环剪切应力-应变曲线的力学响应和回弹预测,并与实验数据进行对比分析,确定了最适合GH3536合金板材复杂曲面冲压回弹预测的材料模型。结果表明,Hill’48屈服准则搭配Y-U硬化模型不仅能够很好地描述GH3536合金板材反向加载时的瞬时包辛格效应和相关硬化特性,从而实现对循环剪切应力-应变曲线的高精度力学响应,还可以准确地预测GH3536合金板材复杂型面的回弹。 The stamping springback prediction of the complex surface of GH3536 alloy sheet was studied.Based on LS-DYNA finite element simulation software and optimization software LS-OPT,a parameter fitting method suitable for Y-U hardening model and Chaboche hardening model was established,and the undetermined parameters of the above material models were fitted.According to the comparison of the mechanical response of cyclic shear stress-strain curve of material model and springback prediction and experimental data,the most suitable material model for the springback prediction of stamping GH3536 alloy sheet with complex surface was determined.The results show that Hill’48 yield criterion combined with Y-U hardening model can not only well describe the instantaneous Bauschinger effect and related harding characteristics during reverse loading to achieve high precision mechanical response of cyclic stress-strain curves,but also accurately predict the springback of the complex surface of GH3536 alloy sheet.
作者 英焕岩 刘厚吉 吴宏超 姚世传 韩先洪 YING Huan-yan;LIU Hou-ji;WU Hong-chao;YAO Shi-chuan;HAN Xian-hong(Institute of Plastic Forming Technology and Equipment,School of Material Science and Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030,China;Advanced Power Machinery Academy,Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310022,China)
出处 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期24-30,共7页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52175349)。
关键词 GH3536合金板材 冲压成形 材料模型 回弹预测 GH3536 alloy sheet stamping forming material model springback prediction
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