6Harriet Zuckerman.Scientific Elite:Nobel Laureates in the United States[M ].New York:Free Press, 1977.
7Polanyi, M.Knowing and Being[M].Chicago :the University of Chicago Press, 1969.144.
8Sternberg,R.J. & Horvath,J.A.,ed.Tacit Knowledge in Professional Practice:Researcher and Practitioner Perspectives [M].London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates inc, 1999.236.
9Polanyi, M. , The Study of Man. London : Routledge & Kegan Paul,c1957,p12, p18.
10Sternberg, R. J. , What Do We Know About Tacit Knowledge? Making the Tacit Become Explicit, see Sternberg, R. J. & Horvath, J. A. ,ed. ,Tacit Knowledge in Professional Praetice:Researcher and Practitioner Perspectives,London:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates inc. c1999,p236.