

Application of Modified Intraoperative Axillary Fluoroscopy for Posterior Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation
摘要 [目的]研究术中使用改良腋位透视的方法判断肩锁关节脱位患者的锁骨远端水平方向的向后移是否得到了纠正。[方法]2019年2月-2021年4月,将符合纳入标准的肩锁关节脱位(分型为RockwoodⅢ型)患者共50例,分常规组和改良腋位透视组,常规组32例,改良腋位透视组18例。常规组术中采用常规正位片透视检测复位效果,改良腋位透视组在术中透视改良腋位片的基础上,引入极坐标概念指导纠正水平方向的后移位,并比较两组患者的平均手术时间、术中出血量等围手术期参数的差异,术后随访使用Constant评分评估两组患者肩关节功能恢复情况。[结果]入选的两组患者在性别、年龄、受伤时间、合并基础疾病等因素的均衡性方面差异无统计学意义,两组患者在术中出血量、手术时间方面差异均无统计学意义。改良腋位透视组肩关节术后功能评分高于常规组。[结论]术中透视改良腋位有助于准确的复位锁骨远端水平方向的后移位,对锁骨钩的准确置入也有参考意义。 [Objective]The study aims to determine whether the horizontal posterior displacement of the distal clavicle in patients with acromioclavicular joint dislocation can be corrected via the application of modified intraoperative axillary fluoroscopy.[Methods]From February 2019 to April 2021,50 patients with Rockwood typeⅢacromioclavicular joint dis⁃location eligible for inclusion were randomly divided into two groups:the normal(32 cases)and the experimental(18 cas⁃es).The conventional anteroposterior position radiographs were obtained to detect the surgery effect on the patients in the normal group.In experimental group,modified intraoperative axillary radiographs were obtained,with the concept of polar coordinates introduced to reduce the horizontal posterior translation of the clavicle.Then we compared the perioperative pa⁃rameters,such as average operative time,intraoperative blood loss between the two groups.The Constant score was used for assessing the postoperative function of the shoulder joint in the follow-up visits.[Results]No statistically significant dif⁃ference was found in gender,age,duration of injury,underlying diseases,intraoperative blood loss and operative time be⁃tween the two groups.The postoperative shoulder function score of the experimental group was higher than that of the nor⁃mal group.[Conclusions]The application of modified intraoperative axillary fluoroscopy is recommendable for accurately reducing posterior translation of the distal clavicle,and meanwhile helpful for the precise placement of the clavicular plate.
作者 夏睿 徐玮 刘雷 田丰 方诗元 XIA Rui;XU Wei;LIU Lei;TIAN Feng;FANG Shi-yuan(Department of Orthopedic Trauma,The First Affiliated Hospital,Division of Life Sciences and Medicine,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230001,China)
出处 《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期295-301,共7页 Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University:Medical Sciences
基金 安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题(2021CX121) 安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(2022i01020017)。
关键词 肩锁关节脱位 后移 改良腋位片 极坐标 acromioclavicular joint dislocation posterior translation modified axillary radiograph polar coordinates
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