ASEAN,as the largest trading partner of China,has taken the lead in launching the RCEP,which emphasizes the role of standards.Quality certifi cation,as one eff ective way to implement standards,plays an important role in standardization,and the most important certifi cation in quality certifi cation is ISO9001 certifi cation.Through the construction of the panel data from 2000 to 2019,this paper empirically studies the impact of ISO9001 certifi cation on China’s import and export trade to ASEAN by using the expanded gravity model.The results show that China’s ISO9001 certifi cation can signifi cantly promote China’s export to ASEAN but has no signifi cant impact on imports;the improvement of ASEAN ISO9001 certification can positively promote China’s import and export to ASEAN.In this paper,it is suggested that China and ASEAN further strengthen the policy of promoting ISO9001 certifi cation,establish a mutual recognition organization of China-ASEAN quality certifi cation,strengthen the multilateral recognition of quality certifi cation,and more eff ectively give play to the positive impact of quality certifi cation on the development of China’s export trade to ASEAN.
SONG Mingshun;LIU Chang(College of Economics&Management,China Jiliang University Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310018)
China Journal of Commerce