消癌平注射液(XAP-Ⅰ)提取自通关藤,在我国临床上广泛用于治疗各种癌症,而从其复杂组分中阐释生物活性成分一直是学界研究的热点内容。本文结合三重四级杆质谱仪中的全扫描(full scan,FS)、母离子扫描(precursor ion scan,PCIS)、子离子扫描(product ion,PDIS)及多反应监测(multiple reaction monitoring,MRM)模式鉴定了XAP-Ⅰ中的主要孕甾烷糖苷及酚酸类成分,可利用丰富的加合离子信息确定组分结构特性并实现高灵敏度分析。此外,本文应用定向细胞结合植物化学组分筛选策略以发现XAP-Ⅰ中的生物活性成分,该策略可实现对XAP-Ⅰ的高通量定性、定量分析,并显著提高XAP-Ⅰ潜在生物活性成分筛选的灵敏度及选择性。
Xiao-ai-ping injection(XAP-Ⅰ),obtained from the extract of Marsdenia tenacissima stem,is widely used for the treatment of various cancers in China,and the suitable methods to elucidate bioactive compounds from the complex mixtures of XAP-Ⅰhave stirred up great enthusiasm for many investigators.In the present study,we identified the major pregnane oligoglycoside and phenolic acid components of XAP-Ⅰusing an improved triple quadrupole mass spectrometry(QqQ-MS)detection.Moreover,a combination of full scan(FS),precursor ion scan(PCIS),product ion scan(PDIS),and multiple reaction monitoring(MRM)modes could take advantage of extensive adduct formation to analyze the identity of ingredients and provide the ingredient profiling in XAP-Ⅰwith high sensitivity.Furthermore,the cell-combining-oriented phytochemical screening strategy was used to screen bioactive ingredients of XAP-Ⅰ.This strategy could achieve a high-throughput qualitative and quantitative analysis of XAP-Ⅰfor screening potential bioactive candidates of XAP-Ⅰsensitively and selectively.
Zhi Rao;Yuhui Wei(Department of Pharmacy,the First Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China)
The Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province (Grant No. 21JR7RA353)
the First Hospital of Lanzhou University Science Foundations (Grant No. ldyyyn2018-08)
the Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Gansu Province,China (Grant No. 2020B-001)。