

One Type of Non-Isolated High Gain DC/DC Converter Simulation Analysis
摘要 传统的Boost、Sepic以及Cuk等基本变换器由于受到pcb板和器件的影响,升压能力受到了限制。为此提出了一种非隔离型高增益DC/DC变换器及控制方案,相较于传统变换器而言具有更高的电压增益,且电路拓扑简单,成本低。首先对所提变换器的拓扑结构进行了简要阐述,然后对变换器的工作原理以及器件的电压电流应力等进行了详细分析,最后通过仿真验证了理论分析的正确性。仿真结果表明,所提变换器可用于直流微电网、电动汽车以及燃料电池无人机等需要高升压能力的场合。 The basic converters such as traditional boost,sepic and cuk are limited in boosting capabilitydue to the influence of pcb boards and devices.To this end,a non-isolated high-gain DC/DC converter and control scheme are proposed,which have higher voltage gain compared to traditional converters,simple circuit topology and low cost.Firstly,the topology of the proposed converter is briefly described,and then the working principle of the converter and the voltage and current stress of the device are analyzed in detail.Finally,the correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified by simulation.The simulation results show that the proposed converter can be used in DC microgrids,electric vehicles and fuel cell drones and other occasions requiring high boost capability.
作者 吕洋 LU Yang(College of Electrical Engineering&New Energy,China Three Gorges University,Yichang,Hubei 443002,China)
出处 《东北电力技术》 2023年第3期18-21,26,共5页 Northeast Electric Power Technology
关键词 可再生能源 直流微网 非隔离 高增益 renewable energy DC microgrid non-isolate high gain
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