

Bitwise Relations in the Digital World
摘要 当今世界是数字世界,数字世界有先验数字世界、人的意识中的数字世界和物理的数字世界三种形式,这三种形式都是人的存在形式,是人的三个位格存在,因而其本质关系是人的位格关系。传统形而上学是外在于存在者的不可知的终极之物,而数字时代,传统的存在者被组建为事件,数理逻辑、算法成为事件的支配力量。数字时代存在者转换为事件,世界成为事件的集合,存在者的革命同时带来了世界的统一性革命,马克思超越了旧哲学认识论的世界统一性,提出世界的生产统一性,而生产统一性在数字时代发展为万物互联。数字技术模糊了数字世界的位格关系,数字形而上学与实存相同一。 Today’s world is a digital world.The digital world has three forms:a priori-digital world,the digital world in human consciousness and the physical digital world.All these three forms are the form of human existence and the existence of human’s three personality,so their essential relationship is the relationship of human personality.Traditional metaphysics is the unknowable ultimate thing outside the existence,while in the digital age,the traditional existence is organized as an event,and mathematical logic and algorithm become the dominant force of the event(events).In the digital age,existences are transformed into events,and the world becomes the collection of events.The revolution of the existences also brings about the revolution of world unity.Marx transcends the world unity of the old philosophical epistemology and puts forward the unity of the production of the world,which develops into the interconnection of all things in the digital age.Digital technology has blurred the relationship between bit and case in the digital world,and digital metaphysics is the same as real existence.
作者 王清涛 Wang Qingtao(School of Marxism,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250358)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 北大核心 2023年第4期100-109,160,共11页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 数字世界 数字人格 数字世界的位格 digital world digital personality bit lattice of digital world
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