

Individual Memories:Different Writing Styles about the Huai-Yan Journey in A Northbound Diary and A Record of Drawing Rein
摘要 南宋乾道年间,楼钥与范成大先后出使金国。在金国境内,二人从淮河至燕山城的行程大致相同,其日记体行程录《北行日录》和《揽辔录》的书写却呈现出别样姿态。由于出使时间不同,楼、范途中所录时节风物和时事见闻自有客观差异;而出使任务的轻重、在使团中地位的高低以及人生阅历的深浅更决定了书写的主观差异。楼钥赴金贺正旦属于常规礼仪性出使,途中所受礼遇颇优,心态相对轻松,故书写赡详;范成大使金乃特派泛使,肩负祈请归还宋室陵寝以及更定受书礼的艰巨任务,有生命之虞,故书写促迫。楼钥为使团中级别较低的书状官,行动略自由,淮燕行程中可寻机访谈遗民,故语言书写居多;而范成大为正使,行动受严格监视,鲜能深入民间,但可接触金国军政高层,故偏重官制、历法、路制以及文武百官履历的记录。楼钥使金之际刚过而立之年,尚未入仕,而年逾不惑的范成大已有丰富的从政经验,淮燕行程中,前者观察多停留于事物表层,文笔尚显稚嫩;后者思虑恂达,观察深入腠理,文笔更胜一筹。《北行日录》和《揽辔录》承载着楼、范二人以生命体验为基础的个体记忆,保存了别样的历史镜像,珠联璧合,弥足珍贵。 In 1169 and 1170,Lou Yao and Fan Chengda visited the State of Jin successively.They had roughly the same journey in Jin􀆳s territory from the Huaihe River to Yanshan City,yet their books about the journeys including A Northbound Diary and A Record of Drawing Rein,were written in different styles.Due to the different time of their missions,there are objective differences between the seasonal scenery and current events recorded by Lou and Fan.The subjective difference of writing is determined by the task of mission,the status in the mission and the depth of their life experience.Lou􀆳s visit to Jin was a regular ceremonial trip,and he was treated well in the process and kept peace in mind,so his writing is very detailed;while Fan acted as a special envoy shouldering the arduous task of asking for the return of the tomb of the Song dynasty and changing the ceremony of receiving letters.He was in danger of life,so his book was written in a hurry.Lou Yao was a lower-ranking official with a little freedom during the trip,so he could find opportunities to interview the drifting people,thus conversations were mostly reported.However,Fan Chengda was the chief envoy,his actions were strictly monitored and had no chance to go deep into the people,but he could contact the senior military and political officials of Jin,so his book particularly emphasized on the official system,calendar,road system,and officials􀆳personal history.When Lou Yao visited Jin,he was just over 30 years old and had not been an official;and Fan Chengda,who was over the age of 40,owned rich political experiences.The former made shallow observations and immature narrative;while the latter􀆳s thinking is more detailed.The books bearing Lou and Fan􀆳s personal memories were based on their personal life experience,and preserved various and precious historical mirror images.
作者 刘蔚 Liu Wei
出处 《文史哲》 北大核心 2023年第2期60-70,166,共12页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
基金 国家社科基金项目“范成大与乾淳文官群体研究”(22BZW082)的阶段性成果。
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