

Occurrence and Health Risk of 895 Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Dust from Bedroom
摘要 人的一生约有1/3的时间在睡眠中度过,睡眠期间暴露于卧室中的半挥发性有机物(SVOCs)可能对人体健康造成不利影响。灰尘是室内SVOCs重要的汇,关于卧室灰尘中SVOCs的复合污染水平及健康风险尚不明确。因此,本研究采集了19个我国家庭卧室中的沉降灰尘,利用气相色谱质谱仪对895种SVOCs进行高通量筛查,并根据美国环境保护局提出的健康风险评价方法,考虑摄入、吸入和皮肤吸收3种暴露途径,评价了灰尘中SVOCs对幼儿和成人的健康风险。本研究在室内灰尘中共检出了85种SVOCs,包括20种正构烷烃、12种多环芳烃、6种邻苯二甲酸酯、8种有机磷酸酯、7种醇、6种取代苯、9种酚、9种农药、4种酯、2种脂肪酸和2种其他类,总浓度范围为92~1.4×10^(3)μg·g^(-1)(中值:4.3×10^(2)μg·g^(-1))。在85种检出物中,邻苯二甲酸酯被识别为灰尘中最主要的污染物,对总浓度的平均贡献达到了(40.9±11.7)%。健康风险评价结果表明,灰尘中的SVOCs不会对成人造成非致癌风险,但4种SVOCs(苯乙烯化苯酚、邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯、肉豆蔻酸和硬脂醇)会通过灰尘摄入途径给幼儿带来低风险。此外,2种多环芳烃(荧蒽和芘)的致癌风险超出可接受水平(10^(-6))。本研究通过高通量筛查方法,阐明了室内灰尘中SVOCs的复合污染现状,为室内环境中SVOCs风险的预防和管理提供了基础数据。 People spend about one third of life time on sleeping,and exposure to semi-volatile organic compounds(SVOCs)in bedroom during the sleep may cause adverse health effects in humans.Dust is an important sink of indoor SVOCs,while levels of the SVOCs and corresponding health risks in the indoor dust are still unclear.Therefore,a comprehensive screening of the SVOCs is necessary to identify the dominant pollutants in indoor environment.In this study,settled dust samples were collected in bedrooms from 19 Chinese homes to investigate the occurrence,potential sources and health risks of the indoor SVOCs.Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used for high-throughput screening of 895 SVOCs in the indoor dust samples.Based on the health risk assessment method proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency,the health risks of the SVOCs with detection frequencies>10%to infants and adults were assessed,considering ingestion,inhalation and dermal absorption from dust.A total of 85 SVOCs were detected in the indoor dust samples,including 20 n-alkanes,12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,6 phthalates,8 organophosphate esters,7 alcohols,6 substituted benzenes,9 phenols,9 pesticides,4 esters,2 fatty acids and 2 others,with the total concentrations ranging from 92μg·g^(-1) to 1.4×10^(3)μg·g^(-1)(median value:4.3×10^(2)μg·g^(-1)).Among the 85 SVOCs,the phthalates were found to be the most abundant SVOCs in the dust,with the mean contribution of(40.9±11.7)%to the total SVOCs concentrations.Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)was the predominant phthalate,accounting for(63.1±14.5)%of the total phthalate concentrations.The results of the health risk assessment indicated that the hazard index(HI)of SVOCs in the dust were negligible for adults.However,4 SVOCs,including styrenated phenol(HI=7.2×10^(-2)),DEHP(HI=3.8×10^(-2)),myristic acid(HI=2.2×10^(-2))and stearyl alcohol(HI=1.1×10^(-2)),were found to pose low non-carcinogenic risks to infants via dust ingestion.In addition,the carcinogenic risks(CR)of fluoranthene(3.7×10^(-6))and pyrene(2.8×10^(-6))were found to exceed the acceptable risk level of 10^(-6).The present study clarified the current pollution status of the SVOCs in indoor dust based on high-throughput screening method,and provided basic data for prevention and management of SVOCs risk in the indoor environment.
作者 董贤宝 杨晨 张若晗 王琰 谢晴 陈景文 李雪花 Dong Xianbao;Yang Chen;Zhang Ruohan;Wang Yan;Xie Qing;Chen Jingwen;Li Xuehua(Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering(MOE),School of Environmental Science and Technology,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
出处 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期101-113,共13页 Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology
基金 大连市科技创新基金项目(2020JJ26SN061) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(22176023) 国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才项目。
关键词 室内灰尘 半挥发性有机物 高通量筛查 人体暴露 健康风险 indoor dust semi-volatile organic compounds high-throughput screening human exposure health risk
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