

The Systematic Character of Hegel's Early Philosophy:Rosenkranz's Systematization of System of Ethical Life and Its Influence
摘要 黑格尔的《伦理体系》作为首部以体系命名的作品,其在早期哲学中的地位不言而喻,然而这部作品却被湮没在其遗稿中,因而不为世人所知。罗森克朗茨在整理这些遗稿时发现了它,并且给它以流行至今的名字,但这也开启了黑格尔哲学的体系化进程。本文从文献学的方面论述必须区分开“体系”与“体系草稿”在本质上的差别,在充分肯定罗森克朗茨贡献的同时,也要看到他的体系化所带来的消极影响。本文认为,黑格尔起初并没有打算将其早期哲学建立在已经成型的“体系”之上,而是采取开放的“体系草稿”的形态,但文献编辑的后果却是将其早期哲学变成了既封闭又僵化的体系,使得黑格尔哲学在思想史上饱受诟病和批判。本文认为,理论与文献之间呈现出命运与共的交织状态,文献研究应当还原出哲学创造的历史原貌,廓清哲学家本人与后人加工制作的成分,使得文献研究成为厘清理论形态的重要途径。 Hegel's System of Ethical Life,the first work to be named after a system,has a self-evident place in his early philosophy,but this work was originally obliterated in his posthumous manuscript and forgotten.Rosenkranz discovered it while sorting through these manuscripts and gave it a name that is popular today,but it also started the process of systematizing Hegel's philosophy.This article discusses from the philological perspective that it is necessary to distinguish the essential difference between“system”and “system draft”.While fully acknowledging Rosenkranz's contribution,we must also see the negative impact of his systematization.This article argues that Hegel did not intend to base his early philosophy on an already formed“system”,but took the form of an open“system draft”,and the consequence of document editing was to turn his early philosophy into a closed and rigid system,which made Hegel's phlllosophycriticizedin history of ideas.This article argues that theories and documents present an intertwined state of fate and commonality,and that documentary research should restore the original historical appearance of philosophicall creation,clarify the components of processing and production by philosophers themselves and descendants,and make documentary Fresearch an important way to clarify the form of theory.
作者 翁少龙 Weng Shaolong
机构地区 厦门大学哲学系
出处 《世界哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期68-77,160,F0003,共12页 World Philosophy
基金 教育部人文社科基金青年项目“黑格尔《伦理体系》翻译与研究”(项目编号:20YJC720022)的阶段性成果。
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