
结构·历史·行动:我国体教融合制度的变迁逻辑与实践进路 被引量:11

Structure,History and Action:Changes and Ways of Integration of Sports and Education System in China
摘要 将体教融合制度置于演进的历史脉络中加以审视,既是发展和完善制度的题中之义与必经之路,也是体教融合理论研究的基础与根基。采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,基于历史制度主义“结构·历史·行动”经典分析范式,从宏观、中观和微观三个逻辑层阐释新中国成立以来体教融合制度的变迁逻辑,提出制度发展的实践进路。研究认为,体教融合制度遵循三重复合式演进逻辑,其变迁不仅深受政治、经济、文化等宏观制度环境场域变迁所带来的结构性影响,还受长时间的“路径依赖”以及短时间内关键节点等时间要素影响。长期体教分离模式下的资源分化、利益固化、思维僵化的历史惯习是体教融合“知易行难”的核心原因。体教融合制度演进历程中涌现出三个关键节点,其有效地推动了制度的变迁。同时,微观层面运动员与政府、学生与学校以及体育部门和教育部门等主体间的行为博弈也深刻形塑了制度变迁的方向。提出体教融合制度的实践进路:顺应时代发展,增强与宏观制度环境耦合程度;重视关键节点,把握好制度变革的有利时机;突破路径依赖,与时俱进大胆变革求新;规范相关主体行为,创设多元主体协同治理、价值共创的新格局。 To examine the integration of sports and education system under the historical context of changes is the only way to developing and improving the system,but also the basis for the theoretical research of integration of sports and education.Through literature study and expert interview and based on the classical analysis paradigm of“structure,history and action”of historical institutionalism,this paper expatiated on the changes of the system from the macro,meso and micro logical levels,and put forward measures of the system development.It was shown that the changes were not only deeply influenced by the structural impact brought by the changes of political,economical and cultural environment,but also by long time“path dependency”and short time key points.The resource differentiation,interest solidification and rigid thinking under the long-term separation of sports and education under the national system with concentrated efforts and resources for important events or projects caused many problems.Three key points in the changes of the integration of sports and education system effectively promoted the change of system.Meanwhile,the behavior game between the athletes and the government,the students and the schools,the sports departments and the educational departments also deeply shaped the direction of institutional changes.The integration of sports and education should comply with the development of the times and enhance the coupling degree with the macro institutional environment.The key points should be seized so as to grasp the opportunity for the system reform,to break through the path dependence,to keep pace with the times and to seek innovation,to standardize the behavior of relevant subjects and to create a new pattern of collaborative governance and value creation by multiple subjects.
作者 王文龙 邢金明 米靖 崔佳琦 WANG Wenlong;Xing Jinming;MI Jing(School of P.E.,Northeast Normal Univ.,Changchun 130024,China;Beijing Sport Univ.,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《武汉体育学院学报》 北大核心 2023年第3期93-100,共8页 Journal of Wuhan Sports University
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目(20FTYB002) 吉林省社科基金重点项目(2020A10)。
关键词 体教融合 体教结合 历史制度主义 变迁逻辑 实践进路 integration of sports and education historical institutionalism logic of change historical evolution innovation path
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