

Chinese shipowners rank first in the world in new ship orders
摘要 根据2022年现有船队运力和手持订单量,中国船东仍然是全球新造船市场最大的客户,也是全球第一大船东国。中国船东多年来一直在全球新造船市场上发挥着主导作用。虽然2022年全球新船订单较2021年略有减少,但仍处于全球领先的地位。聚焦于去年新船订单结构的改变和双燃料船的订单比例大幅增加这一趋势,本文对2022年中国船东的新船订单进行分析。 Chinese owners have for many years played a leading role in driving global newbuilding activity,and 2022 was no different,despite a slight easing in global ordering from 2021.Taking a closer look at Chinese owners'ordering in 2022 underlines some clear changes-both recent and longer in the making-and provides some insights into the future makeup of a key part of the global fleet...While Chinese newbuild ordering has traditionally been dominated by tankers and bulkers(72%of total GT ordered in the 10 years‘pre-Covid’),the mix has increasingly diversified,and in 2022 this share slipped to a low of just 26%as other ship types came to the fore.The LNG carrier sector in particular was in focus in 2022,with record orders globally;Chinese owners were a key part of this,increasing investment in a sector with a strong trade growth outlook on the back of the signing of a number of long-term LNG supply contracts.Chinese owners ordered a record 29 LNG carriers of 3.1m GT(4.9m cbm)in 2022,accounting for 24%of the total tonnage ordered by Chinese owners and exceeding Chinese owners’total LNG carrier ordering across the last decade.So,Chinese owners remained the largest investors in newbuild tonnage in 2022,with China now holding the largest combined national fleet and order book globally.Ordering activity also highlights some key trends,including a continued gradual diversification of ship types in the Chinese fleet mix,and a firm increase in the uptake of alternative fuel vessels last year.
出处 《中国远洋海运》 2023年第3期60-60,11,共2页 Maritime China
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