

Study on the Management of Excess Iron Content in Crude oil of Yanchang Oilfield
摘要 为确保化工装置运行平稳,通过对延长油田井口、集输站点原油中铁离子含量进行分析研究,找到原油含铁量超标的原因,根据存在的问题,有针对性的提出治理措施和方法,并将治理措施在实际生产过程中进行验证优化,从而找到并解决原油含铁量超标的问题,为下游炼化加工提供优质原油。 In order to ensure the smooth operation of chemical plants,we analyze and study the iron ion content in crude oil at wellheads and gathering stations in Yanchang Oilfield,find the causes of excessive iron content in crude oil,propose targeted control measures and methods according to the existing problems,and verify and optimize the control measures in the actual production process,so as to find and solve the problem of excessive iron content in crude oil and provide high-quality crude oil for downstream refining and chemical processing.This will help find and solve the problem of excessive iron content in crude oil and provide high-quality crude oil for downstream refining and processing.
作者 王文 王蒙 王佶喆 Wang Wen;Wang Meng;Wang Jizhe(Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group)Company Limited,Xi'an Shaanxi 710000)
出处 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2023年第2期288-289,共2页 Modern Industrial Economy and Informationization
关键词 原油 含铁量 腐蚀 治理 crude oil iron content corrosion management
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