

Deconstruction of the Basis of Administrative Subsidy Claim
摘要 行政补贴请求权基础是指权利主体要求特定给付主体为或不为一定行为的法律依据。请求权基础之识别是决定补贴请求权成立的重要依据,对相对人申请补贴具有重要意义。行政补贴请求权基础究竟是单独的法律条文,还是若干法律规定的结合抑或是行政合同,行政法学界尚未达成共识。从实证法规范视角考察,因行政补贴对象的不特定性,单独的法律法规或行政规范性文件不可直接作为行政补贴请求权基础。基于行政补贴的法学理论与司法实践探究,行政补贴主体与相对人之间存在类似于“要约”与“承诺”的行政契约法律关系,因此,行政补贴请求权基础由双层结构组成:一是相关法律、法规与行政补贴规范性文件相结合的规定;二是相对人按照规定行为要件实施了特定的行为。此时该“行政契约”即成为行政补贴的请求权基础。 The basis of the right to claim administrative subsidies refers to the legal basis for the right subject to require the specific payment subject to act or not to act.Identifying the basis of the right to claim is essential for determining the establishment of the right to claim subsidies;it is of great significance for the counterpart to apply for subsidies.Whether the basis of an administrative subsidy claim is a separate legal provision,a combination of several legal provisions,or an administrative contract has not yet reached a consensus in the field of administrative law.From the perspective of positive law norms,due to the non-specific nature of the object of administrative subsidies,different laws and regulations or administrative normative documents cannot be directly used as the basis of the right to request administrative subsidies.Based on the legal theory and judicial practice of administrative subsidies,there is an administrative contract legal relationship between the subject of administrative subsidy and the counterpart,which is similar to the one between“offer”and“acceptance”;therefore,the basis of the right to request administrative subsidies must be composed of two layers:for the one,the provisions of the combination of relevant laws and regulations with the normative documents of administrative subsidies;for the other,the counterpart has carried out a specific action by the prescribed elements of conduct.Under such conditions,the“administrative contract”becomes the basis of the right to claim administrative subsidies.
作者 韦科顺 WEI Ke-shun(Law School,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China;School of Law,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期66-76,共11页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“优化营商环境的法治建构”(21ZDA051) 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目“行政补贴的法律规制”(KYCX19_0007)。
关键词 行政补贴 请求权基础 行政契约 解构 administrative subsidy the basis for claims administrative contract deconstruction
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